Posts: 16730
26.04.2024 05:07 |
Posts: 1190
26.04.2024 10:59 |
Posts: 16730
26.04.2024 15:38 |
Posts: 16730
28.04.2024 07:07 |
Posts: 1190
28.04.2024 07:38 |
Posts: 16730
28.04.2024 07:43 |
Posts: 1190
I propose to add a new function to be added in EEF.
A simple function to check if a monster is disabled in most events like a random monster encounter in Souting II events.
The default monsters to be disabled are those that should never appear in the hero army slots plus emissaries.
The function result can be modified by mod makers. They can define their disabled monsters, usually some boss creatures that should not appear elsewhere.
This function can help build mod compatibilities. For example, to disable a new monster added by typhon to appear in all those WoG Scripts events, we only need to change the result here, and then it applies everywhere.
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 18.05.2024 19:17 by Archer30.)
18.05.2024 19:16 |
Posts: 2385
(18.05.2024 19:16)Archer30 Wrote: This function can help build mod compatibilities. For example, to disable a new monster added by typhon to appear in all those WoG Scripts events, we only need to change the result here, and then it applies everywhere.
Привязка к номерам монстров - чудовищные костыли. Так ещё и плюс к несовместимости с ERA+ заработаете с помощью ERM. Почему не можете посмотреть в коде игры содовский способ проверки генерации случайного монстра?
Игра проверяет мин. и макс. количество монстров на карте и если там нули, то монстр не генерируется. Так же точно можно проверять генерируемость монстра с помощью ERM.
18.05.2024 20:26 |
Posts: 16730
19.05.2024 02:18 |
Posts: 1190
The function is meant to be used by different scripts/mods so we don't have to deal with checking again and again.
And you can initiate the fancy check in this function as well.
It only gives a standard so everyone can use the same function to check. If the function returns the positive (disabling) result, it means one of the mod components doesn't want a monster to appear in most events, and thus other scripts can respect the result here.
Well, assuming all those monsters we don't want to use have the correct MinAdvMap and MaxAdvMap values, I think my proposal is abundant. We have a handful of mods, I will try to go through each of them and see if they are correct.
Well, just rethink about it, and I feel the idea of MinAdvMap and MaxAdvMap values is not perfect. There was a time I set MinAdvMap and MaxAdvMap values to 0, and then players came back and said they found it weird - when they put such a creature on the map by map editor, the quantity of it is 0 by default (when they attack it in the game).
If ERA introduces a mechanism to correct the adv stack number with <=0 to 1, I can set MinAdvMap and MaxAdvMap values to 0 without worry.
In conclusion, two ways:
- Use MinAdvMap and MaxAdvMap values as a reference, correct all the existing mods, ERA should set adv creature number at least 1
- Intorduce a function in EEF and use it to check if a monster should be ignore
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 19.05.2024 03:34 by Archer30.)
19.05.2024 02:32 |
Posts: 1190
27.05.2024 16:44 |