Posts: 5454
хм, на ERA3.8 та же фигня - обрезает
на 2.9.14 всё норм
запустил без плагинов вообще (кроме buttons.era), только чисто WoG
проблема осталась
выводы делайте сами
14.02.2022 22:35 |
Posts: 4348
15.02.2022 01:49 |
Posts: 814
И описание сценария в окне новой кампании тоже:
А с полосой прокрутки нормально:
Мне кажется, я догадываюсь, дело в этой полосе прокрутки. Она невидимая, но место под нее все равно выделяется!
15.02.2022 15:37 |
Posts: 16721
16.02.2022 11:19 |
Posts: 1186
Suggesting a new hook for ERA/Era Erm Framework
Author: Hawaiing
This trigger is at the timing after leaving a stack on the map by Ctrl + Right-clicking (with the hard-coded wog option). The purpose is to get the coordinates of the left stack by a hero.
This is essential for many events. For example. in Mixed Neutral Mod, we have an option to prevent neutrals from escaping.
As we see from the code, the absence of checking whether a stack was left by a hero makes it possible to fight a left stack to achieve unfair advantages (farming exp/commander arts, etc.). Another example is stack growth. Leaving a stack on the map on Sunday will grant you more troops on Monday, which is not what we wish to see. As I can tell, checking whether a stack was left by a hero is so important whenever manipulating a stack, thus my proposal is to add the function/hook in Era instead of another mod.
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 21.02.2022 15:28 by Archer30.)
21.02.2022 07:52 |
Posts: 16721
21.02.2022 08:37 |
Posts: 16721
23.02.2022 21:11 |
Posts: 1186
23.02.2022 21:13 |
Posts: 1186
Berserker, hi! I wonder if it is possible to raise the limit of items in a single section of wog options menu. It can have a max of 20 items at the moment.
As you see from the picture. If I add in more options to the red area, the new options won't appear. Instead the options from the blue box would be placed.
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 28.02.2022 07:46 by Archer30.)
28.02.2022 07:32 |
Posts: 16721
28.02.2022 08:01 |
Posts: 814
Archer30, можно бинарным патчем заменить радиобуттоны обычным включением/отключением опций:
007786C0 01
007786CA 01
007786D4 01
Какой-то из этих трех отвечает за левую верхнюю секцию на первой странице, скорее всего первый.
28.02.2022 10:43 |
Posts: 1186
28.02.2022 11:21 |
Posts: 1186
I find it a little bit weird to have these two:
i^key_ctrl^: variable to check whether Ctrl is pressed
(KEY_CONTROL): The key code of ctrl
They are having different spellings for some reason
I suggest just use (KEY_CTRL) instead to avoid confusion. I did qucik search in my mods folder. There is currently no mod using (KEY_CONTROL) in the scripts.
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 03.03.2022 18:01 by Archer30.)
03.03.2022 13:58 |
Posts: 16721
03.03.2022 17:50 |