Berserker, hi, I propose an improved version of tutorial to be included in ERA.
What's been changed?
- Fixed the invalid TM1 triggers (now replaced with OnEveryDay)
- Added a new obstacle on the path to the shrine. It will be removed after triggering the event in the shipyard. This is for helping new players finding the location of the event (minimise the area they should look for).
- Added missing hint text of the Forgotten Shine.
- Corrected the description of putting creature on the map (now use Ctrl + Right-clicking)
Google Drive
Also I would like to report a small bug of the description from changelog
Quote: !?FU(...); some event
!!FU(BH_GetHeroSecSkill)/(HERO_XERON)/(SKILL_FIRST_AID)/?(xeronFirstAidLevel:y); so what's the level of First Aid skill Xeron has? )
should be