Posts: 1190
Quote:why already ghost dragon should be converted to bone dragon
Well, I'm pointing out the inconsistency of ERA.
Right now we have Green Dragons, Gold Dragons to Bone Dragons. However, Diamond Dragons to Skeletons.
Also, Blood Dragons to Bone Dragons, however, Ghost Dragons and Bone Dragons to Skeletons.
We aslo have Red Dragons, Black Dragons and Darkness Dragons all to Bone Dragons
It doesn't make sense to me why these dragons are treated differently.
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 05.10.2021 18:12 by Archer30.)
01.10.2021 15:08 |
Posts: 610
Archer30, So logically speaking, Skeleton Transformer returns calcium to dragons soul that themselves are no longer made of bones and have a plasma texture? It destroys an entire special body to form it from ordinary bones. That is what I understood
01.10.2021 15:55 |
Posts: 1190
There is a WoG bug that I wish to be fixed in ERA (if it's rejected then I will do it with erm  )
The description of necro command ability - Cast Animate Dead on Level 1-5 Creatures is incorrect. The real effect is "Cast Animate Dead on a creature with no more than 50 hp".
I can't be sure whether it is the description or the effect that needs to be revised. But it doesn't make sense that from the start you are able to revive Vampires with this ability, and then later after the Vampires gained some ranks, it's no longer possible to do so. From this, I can tell fixing the ability itself to match the description is more reasonable.
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 02.10.2021 17:33 by Archer30.)
02.10.2021 17:31 |
Posts: 16730
02.10.2021 17:43 |
Posts: 1190
I respect the decision
Another wish is to remove the dependency of z var with DL hints (DL:H).
So daemon_n wanted me to reallocate all my hints from DL text to z vars/json. I understand that is good for translation. However, having to occupy z var semi-globally is not convenient. In the interface of Trainer mod, about 50 z var have to be used in this way. Is there a plan to lift this restriction in the future?
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 02.10.2021 19:15 by Archer30.)
02.10.2021 18:18 |
Posts: 16730
02.10.2021 20:40 |
Posts: 16730
02.10.2021 22:51 |
Posts: 1190
05.10.2021 07:14 |
Posts: 1190
Hi! What do you think about adding FU(GetMaxArtifactId) to EEF?
So basically it will only work for ERA without extra artifact plugins only (same as GetMaxMonsterId). But it is still useful for better organsied script writing I think.
In TUM, I wrote a small fucntion for getting the last ID with emerlad 3 loaded, which suppose to be overriding this proposed function.
Also a reminder, it is necessary to add in wog options.json in the current ERA. ERA no longer reads zsetup00.txt for some reasons.
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 11.10.2021 07:36 by Archer30.)
11.10.2021 07:32 |
Posts: 2385
(11.10.2021 07:32)Archer30 Wrote: Hi! What do you think about adding FU(GetMaxArtifactId) to EEF?
So basically it will only work for ERA without extra artifact plugins only (same as GetMaxMonsterId). But it is still useful for better organsied script writing I think.
In TUM, I wrote a small fucntion for getting the last ID with emerlad 3 loaded, which suppose to be overriding this proposed function.
Проверять на решётку в первом символе имени артефакта - плохие костыли, а с копированием имени артефакта в z1 - оочень плохие костыли (имя можно проверить из самой структуры артефакта без подобной тормозной воговщины). Так делать не нужно.  Любой не знающий об этих костылях моддер может убрать решётку из имени артефакта и ваш костыльный ERM-код выдаст неправильный результат.
1. Для поиска последнего артефакта стоит всё же пользоваться лимитом на артефакты - для разных версий Эмералдов он разный (т.к. Феанор поленился сразу выделить память под 1000 артов).
2. Последний используемый артефакт стоит искать с конца структуры артефактов, чтобы не напороться на "дырки".
3. Артефакт можно проверять на ценность "s" - такой арт считается игрой пустым, а значит он не участвует в генерации, по факту, всегда являясь бланковым. Для особых случаев можно проверять и цену артефакта: если 0, значит бланковый.
(This post was last modified: 11.10.2021 07:59 by XEPOMAHT.)
11.10.2021 07:55 |
Posts: 16730
11.10.2021 13:19 |
Posts: 1190
11.10.2021 19:18 |
Posts: 16730
11.10.2021 20:18 |
Posts: 1190
Good question.  Was it started from Feanor?
I want to report another problem of the fucntion of getting the hero's basic primary skills. Spell Scrolls must be set as exceptions, otherwise we'd get bugs.
Fixed fucntion:
Also an optional request. Maybe setting "WoG" and "Era Erm Framework" mod forcibly loaded? I don't see how these mods would be disabled in any case. And I'm getting reports from players due to wrongly disabling these mods 
An option can be set in ini (whether forcbly enabling compulsory mods) if that makes you feel more ethical.
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 18.10.2021 10:22 by Archer30.)
18.10.2021 09:34 |