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Archer30 Offline

Posts: 1190
Post: #1801

Berserker, those are common modding attempts and should be made compatible. Perhaps replace the current HE:F 1 with the new solution? The current is poorly implemented anyway

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(This post was last modified: 05.09.2021 13:27 by Archer30.)
05.09.2021 10:06
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #1802

Archer30, the solution triggers equip/unquip events. Image if HE:F is called inside such event. We'll get untrackable crash, because of recursion.

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05.09.2021 15:24
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Archer30 Offline

Posts: 1190
Post: #1803

Berserker, uhh, I don't get the idea. From my limited knowledge, I don't recall events that occur on equip/unequip 102 Could you explain with more detials?

Another fixing idea is to copy all aritfacts into an array and equip on a dummy hero - comparing the primary skill difference. What do think about this?

Also, we've got igrk's memory hacks. I can create arrays (quantity = max art id) with 4 elements each. But that will be a little bit too much of calculation...

Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 05.09.2021 15:43 by Archer30.)
05.09.2021 15:38
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #1804


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05.09.2021 17:23
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Archer30 Offline

Posts: 1190
Post: #1805

I searched for every mod I could find in the history of ERA, listed mods used equip/unequip triggers:

Chaser (map by woodmelon)
The Dragon Slayer (map by woodmelon)
WoG Ultra Edition

Perhaps it's possible to make a variable for these triggers to avoid executing with certain conditions.

If that's not acceptable for implementating in ERA. I will just make it in mods 4

Edit: I was wrong Dash1 There were many mods using AE triggers. And in order to use the new method of getting basic prim skills, I have to be sure every mod is compatible with the new one, not just particular scripts.

Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 08.09.2021 00:18 by Archer30.)
05.09.2021 19:50
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #1806

Anyway, the command will be able to trigger up to 18 root triggers and maybe more heavy functions instead. If it's called in a loop, it can become the source of game slowing down. I could also try to track those two events and record all changes to primary skills, but there are commands to equip artifact without event generation. Thus there is no silver bullet here. I'll add a function to Era Erm Framework, based on your code and maybe leave current HE:F implementation for compatibility reasons.

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05.09.2021 20:54
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Archer30 Offline

Posts: 1190
Post: #1807

Thanks 96-copy Adding in Era Erm Framework is the second best I could think of

Edit: Well, just by re-considering this issue, can't you make two separated equip/unequip triggers? One for HE:F 1, the other for AE0/AE1. The equip/unequip trigger embed in HE:F 1 does not trigger AE0/AE1 - sounds good?

Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 08.09.2021 00:17 by Archer30.)
05.09.2021 21:12
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Bes Offline

Posts: 5459
Post: #1808

а где теперь мод WoG обсуждать/скачивать? 102
есть тема по WoG Scripts, есть по ERA

В самом ERA-инсталляторе теперь только последние изменения поставляются, а в папке релизов ERA последняя полная версия лишь 3.8.2 Dry
всех подсаживаете на оф.сборку, и никакой свободы скачивания частей ERA Beee

скачал чистую сборку от Панды, и там нет больше файла WoG features.htm Unsure
09.09.2021 15:43
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #1809

Archer30, nope, I cannot.

Мод WoG и есть Эра. Здесь.
В папке релизов да, слишком муторно хранить на каждую мини-версию полную сборку. 3.9.0 будет полной.

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09.09.2021 23:19
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seregazad Offline

Posts: 3
Post: #1810

Друзья, не знаю в какой теме спросить. Подскажите, у друга версия героев, где абсолютно все стартуют с книгой заклинаний, то есть ее не нужно покупать(и войны и маги). Как включить эту опцию? В вог настройках такого не нашел.
10.09.2021 00:08
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #1811

Вам сюда, скорее всего:
Очень похоже на простой скрипт.

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10.09.2021 03:00
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daemon_n Offline

Posts: 4348
Post: #1812

Berserker, в сборке моей (Мод GEM) такого точно нет, тем не менее это может быть что-то из ERA Scripts.
Есть вариант, что у Панды было что-то подобное

seregazad, Но скрипт действительно очень простой, так что сделать несложно.

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10.09.2021 03:52
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #1813

daemon_n, не у Алгора ли в Эра скриптах что-то вроде «Все герои начинают с книгой заклинаний»?

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10.09.2021 18:09
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daemon_n Offline

Posts: 4348
Post: #1814

Berserker, разве что с опцией "третий класс" - надо проверить.
Но отдельной опции на это точно нет

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Новейший Heroes Launcher
10.09.2021 18:40
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #1815

Проще скрипт написать в пару строк. Тоже не нашёл.

Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
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10.09.2021 19:06
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