Posts: 1190
05.09.2021 10:06 |
Posts: 16730
05.09.2021 15:24 |
Posts: 1190
Berserker, uhh, I don't get the idea. From my limited knowledge, I don't recall events that occur on equip/unequip  Could you explain with more detials?
Another fixing idea is to copy all aritfacts into an array and equip on a dummy hero - comparing the primary skill difference. What do think about this?
Also, we've got igrk's memory hacks. I can create arrays (quantity = max art id) with 4 elements each. But that will be a little bit too much of calculation...
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 05.09.2021 15:43 by Archer30.)
05.09.2021 15:38 |
Posts: 16730
05.09.2021 17:23 |
Posts: 1190
I searched for every mod I could find in the history of ERA, listed mods used equip/unequip triggers:
Chaser (map by woodmelon)
The Dragon Slayer (map by woodmelon)
WoG Ultra Edition
Perhaps it's possible to make a variable for these triggers to avoid executing with certain conditions.
If that's not acceptable for implementating in ERA. I will just make it in mods
Edit: I was wrong  There were many mods using AE triggers. And in order to use the new method of getting basic prim skills, I have to be sure every mod is compatible with the new one, not just particular scripts.
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 08.09.2021 00:18 by Archer30.)
05.09.2021 19:50 |
Posts: 1190
Thanks  Adding in Era Erm Framework is the second best I could think of
Edit: Well, just by re-considering this issue, can't you make two separated equip/unequip triggers? One for HE:F 1, the other for AE0/AE1. The equip/unequip trigger embed in HE:F 1 does not trigger AE0/AE1 - sounds good?
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 08.09.2021 00:17 by Archer30.)
05.09.2021 21:12 |
Posts: 5459
а где теперь мод WoG обсуждать/скачивать? 
есть тема по WoG Scripts, есть по ERA
В самом ERA-инсталляторе теперь только последние изменения поставляются, а в папке релизов ERA последняя полная версия лишь 3.8.2
всех подсаживаете на оф.сборку, и никакой свободы скачивания частей ERA
скачал чистую сборку от Панды, и там нет больше файла WoG features.htm
09.09.2021 15:43 |
Posts: 16730
09.09.2021 23:19 |
Posts: 3
Друзья, не знаю в какой теме спросить. Подскажите, у друга версия героев, где абсолютно все стартуют с книгой заклинаний, то есть ее не нужно покупать(и войны и маги). Как включить эту опцию? В вог настройках такого не нашел.
10.09.2021 00:08 |
Posts: 16730
10.09.2021 03:00 |
Posts: 16730
10.09.2021 18:09 |
Posts: 16730
10.09.2021 19:06 |