Berserker, thank you so much for the 3.3.9 update! Yes, this is everything I asked. That should be enough to create a decent campaign carryover feature.
However, my mind changes quickly, and I immediately come out with 2 more requests

1. Is there a way to check the ID of the scenario (zone) of a campaign?
2. Is there a way to check which bonus was selected from the start of a scenario (zone)?
Reason for asking these are
1. If I can check the ID of the zone and also I get the filename of the campaign, I can get a unique result of the combination and know what I should do to the carryover feature. Otherwise, I have to put a mark for every single campaign map in Maps/Resources directory.
2. In some campaigns, you are asked to select heroes from your previous zones. Like this (RoE - Dungeon and Devils - Zone 3):
Knowing which bonus was selected is essential for loading the corrected copy of hero data.