Posts: 2196
hd MOD pops some icon upper left screen when I press F5, instead of Era quick save. How I disable that, any idea?
15.06.2020 14:37 |
Posts: 1190
15.06.2020 14:53 |
Posts: 16730
15.06.2020 15:45 |
Posts: 2196
(This post was last modified: 15.06.2020 17:39 by Valery.)
15.06.2020 17:34 |
Posts: 814
Valery, I don't have ERA 2.8.3 installer, but I do not have double messages with your mod on ERA 2.8.4 and 2.9.13.
Maybe another script or mod does this?
This may not be the best solution, but try adding !!SN:Q to your script after !!CM:R0.
You may also need to give a higher priority to your script, for example, rename it to 999_advanced data.erm so that when clicking on certain objects no other scripts will work.
15.06.2020 21:06 |
Posts: 2196
No change to scripts, I am no longer active. They have been 150% tested and they worked.
(This post was last modified: 15.06.2020 23:13 by Valery.)
15.06.2020 23:09 |
Posts: 16730
16.06.2020 01:54 |
Posts: 2196
it doesn't display any message, only a pic and quantity of the resource. Like the standard right click on map with sorcery script activated
testing further: native dialogs cause regular crash when trying to check creatures abilities. Can't be reproduced as it happens only after 1 hour or more of playing, on reload it never occurs. So my guess is memory leak, but how to know. Windows 7 here
is there a possibility to add native dialogs as plugin or mod? So can go off/on?
Crash data:
Failed to read data at 3F800000.
EIP: Wog native dialogs.C4B9 (__output_l + 2447). Code: C0000005
> Registers
EAX: 3F800000 (int: 1065353216)
ECX: 7FFFFFFE (int: 2147483646)
EDC: 00000073 (int: 115)
EBX: Wog native dialogs.19476 (??_C@_02DKCKIIND@?$CFs?$AA@ + 2) (int: 1521587318, pint: 0x4F690000 = 1332281344)
ESP: 0028945C (int: 2659420, pint: 0x074697C0 = 122066880)
EBP: 002896E0 (int: 2660064, pint: 0x00289720 = 2660128)
ESI: 00000000 (int: 0)
EDI: 3F800000 (int: 1065353216)
> Callstack
Wog native dialogs.B522 (_sprintf + 90)
Wog native dialogs.5518 (?New_Dlg_ExpaMon@@YAHHHHI@Z + 2232)
> Stack
00289448: Wog native dialogs.BA15 (??0_LocaleUpdate@@QAE@PAUlocaleinfo_struct@@@Z + 24) (int: 1521531413, pint: 0x8B084689)
0028944C: 00289700 (int: 2660096, pint: 0x00697428 = 6911016)
00289450: 002896E0 (int: 2660064, pint: 0x00289720 = 2660128)
00289454: Wog native dialogs.BB91 (__output_l + 103) (int: 1521531793, pint: 0x3575F685 = 896923269, str: "…цu5иЗ\x0C")
00289458: 00000007 (int: 7)
0028945C*: 074697C0 (int: 122066880, pint: 0x00000100 = 256)
00289460: 07469790 (int: 122066832, pint: 0x5AB1BEF8 = 1521598200, str: "шѕ±Zяяяя\x00")
00289464: 00000000 (int: 0)
00289468: 077FDA58 (int: 125819480, pint: 0x0063FE10 = 6553104)
0028946C: 002894AC (int: 2659500, pint: 0x00000000)
00289470: 00000000 (int: 0)
00289474: 00000007 (int: 7)
00289478: 00000204 (int: 516)
0028947C: 00000000 (int: 0)
00289480: 000000B8 (int: 184)
00289484: Wog native dialogs.1B998 (___ptlocinfo) (int: 1521596824, pint: 0x0000000D = 13)
00289488: 04ED1AB8 (int: 82647736, pint: 0x00000002)
0028948C: 04ED07D0 (int: 82642896, pint: 0x000031F8 = 12792)
00289490: Hd_wog.11201 (int: 113971713, pint: 0xE8E806D1)
00289494: 00289700 (int: 2660096, pint: 0x00697428 = 6911016)
00289498: 00000000 (int: 0)
0028949C: 00000000 (int: 0)
002894A0: 00000000 (int: 0)
002894A4: Wog native dialogs.19476 (??_C@_02DKCKIIND@?$CFs?$AA@ + 2) (int: 1521587318, pint: 0x4F690000 = 1332281344)
002894A8: 00000000 (int: 0)
002894AC: 00000000 (int: 0)
002894B0: 00000000 (int: 0)
002894B4: H3era hd.009D0B26 (int: 10292006, pint: 0x00000000)
002894B8: 00000000 (int: 0)
002894BC: 00289734 (int: 2660148, pint: 0x00000000)
002894C0: 00000000 (int: 0)
002894C4: 3F800000 (int: 1065353216)
002894C8: FFFFFFFF (int: -1)
002894CC: 73000000 (int: 1929379840)
002894D0: 00000000 (int: 0)
002894D4: H3era hd.004F8290 (int: 5210768, pint: 0xCEA03BE9)
002894D8: 00000001 (int: 1)
002894DC: 00000204 (int: 516)
002894E0: 00289524 (int: 2659620, pint: 0x00289534 = 2659636)
002894E4: 07721783 (int: 124917635, pint: 0x53D40DFF = 1406406143)
Maybe is better that I do my tests on last Era, 2.9.x? But for that I need to know if you will be available for fixing errors I find... they say already "creatures split" mod not working with.
(This post was last modified: 16.06.2020 11:44 by Valery.)
16.06.2020 10:40 |
Posts: 16730
16.06.2020 13:51 |
Posts: 2196
It makes no sense for me to test one version if you add another one after. If you tell me 2.9.14 is the last of Era II, then I start testing until all bugs are fixed.
is that okay with you?
And also please native dialogs as mod. They crash the game. Always.
16.06.2020 15:36 |
Posts: 16730
Valery, wog native dialogs is a part of Era now. Try 2.9.14, igrik fixed crashes.
Quote:If you tell me 2.9.14 is the last of Era II, then I start testing until all bugs are fixed.
It's the last version in terms of new functionality, but if you find a bug (not official change), I fix it and release 2.9.15 with bug fix only. Right? So 2.x branch remains stable and loses possible bugs.
Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
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16.06.2020 22:45 |
Posts: 16730
16.06.2020 23:57 |
Posts: 2196
Ok, but only Atlantis uses MP . Waiting for 2.9.14 then go intensive tests
17.06.2020 00:17 |
Posts: 16730
17.06.2020 00:46 |
Posts: 16730
17.06.2020 00:58 |