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» WoG Era 2: Русская и Английская версии
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PerryR Offline

Posts: 460
Post: #3421

I just found out that this command:

!!IF:M^Hello %V997^;
!!BU:Mz-1; crash here!

crashes the game at any battle. It works if tactics is enabled, but if it is disabled if gives a nasty departure without any obvious reason. Well no tragedy can easily be worked around. just wanted to tell you.
By the way if you set !?BR&v997=1; to 1 instead of 0 it works.
14.07.2019 20:00
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #3422

PerryR, round 0 with and without tactics occurs differently. Afair, 2 times:
1) Before battle screen initialization (calling BU:M will crash)
2) After battle screen initialization.
Igrik tried to fix v997 counter, maybe this check will be not needed.

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14.07.2019 22:19
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #3423

Version 2.8.6
[-] Fixed 'load only these scripts.txt' handling bug, when global scripts were treated as map internal scripts.

Version 2.8.5
[+] Included Help\h3c format.txt, describing campaign file format.
[-] Restored !?MP/!!MP functionality, disabled in 2.8.4 by mistake.

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20.07.2019 00:05
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daemon_n Offline

Posts: 4348
Post: #3424

Berserker, супер! Спасибо за работу)

Заметил, если файл настроек начинается с пробела, игра его не подхватывает сама. Приходится загружать вручную каждый раз.
Я просто нечаянно сохранил с пробелом вначалеYes
Версия Эры неважна, как я понял.

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Новейший Heroes Launcher
20.07.2019 06:07
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #3425

daemon_n, на здоровье Ab
С ведущими и завершающими пробелами в ОС Windows может быть не очень хорошо, да и в целом это плохие имена.

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20.07.2019 11:58
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daemon_n Offline

Posts: 4348
Post: #3426

Поскольку объявление о добавлении плагина для генератора карт (удаление тюрем), то и напишу в этой же теме:

Суть в том, что стандартный ГСК не выдает все навыки в Хижинах Ведьм.
Выдает следующие:
Магию Воздуха, Стрельбу, Баллистику, Дипломатию, Глаз Орла, Поместье, Магию Огня, Лидерство, Логистику, Удачу, Мистицизм, Поиск Пути, Разведку, Мудрость. Все остальное не выпадает.
Касается только случайных карт.
Это баг еще оригинала, но там он исправлен hd модом.
Текущее решение для Сода выглядит так: запрет Навигации, Лидерства и Некромантии.
Потому и пишу, есть ли возможность Эрой как-то подобную заплатку реализовать?

Баг проверял лично.

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Новейший Heroes Launcher
22.07.2019 15:21
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daemon_n Offline

Posts: 4348
Post: #3427

Момент, который, как мне казалось, не баг:
Командиры с расширенными специалистами по баллисте должны уметь стрелять, но могут они это лишь во втором своем бою.

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Новейший Heroes Launcher
02.08.2019 11:57
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #3428
Пользователям сборок рекомендуется обновить game bug fixes.dll на этот (в нём нет исправления номеров раундов в бою.)

С этой версии многопоток включён по умолчанию.

Version 2.8.7
[+] Added new function and event name 'OnRemoteEvent', generating !?FU(OnRemoteEvent) on remote sides with x1..x16 arguments.
    x1 is event type, values 0..9999 are reserved by Era. ERM users may use !!FU(any func):D instead with the same functionality.

[+] Added new event 'OnEveryDay', same as !?TM[xx], but occuring every day for every player/AI without any settings and before
    all other !?TM triggers.
    Example: !?FU(OnEveryDay)&-1000; every day for any AI

[+] Added new ERM command SN:R^old resource name^/^new resource name^, redirecting lod/pac/mp3 resources to other names.
    The command is a thin wrapper over RedirectFile exported function. Pass empty name as new resource name to remove
    redirection. All applied redirections are local, stored in saved game and reverted on map exit.
    '*.mp3' redirection works on all mp3 files at once.
    !#SN:R^crgrif.def^/^croc.def^; let Royal Griffins look like Rocs (portraits are not changed)

    Game unloads not used resources, thus many resources can be dynamically redirected during playing.
    If resource is used in Hero Screen, perform redirection before Hero Screen is shown (and resource is cached).

    Custom interface skins may also be implemented, allowing user to switch themes right in the game (saved game
    loading may be necessary for visual update).

[+] MP trigger and receivers were fully remade. Old documentation is not applicable now. New implementation is fully
    thread-safe. From now heroes3.ini setting "UseOnlyOneCpuCore" is 0 by default, allowing running HD mod in CPU-heavy modes.


    !?MP; Trigger occurs whenever game or ERM/Lua calls ChangeMp3Theme function.
    ; Here function parameters may be changed via !!MP:S, function default reaction enabled/disabled via !!MP:R

    !!MP:C?z[xx]; Get name of current theme without mp3 extension in lower case.
    ; Receiver may be called any time. Example result: 'dirt'.

    !!MP:P[theme name]/[Don't track position = 0/1]/[Loop = 0/1]; Calls ChangedMp3Theme function and generates !?MP event.
    ; Theme name is mp3 file name without extension.
    ; If 'Don't track position' is true (1), track playing is begun from start after resuming from pause.
    ; Otherwise position is remembered and restored on resume.
    ; 'Loop' controls automatical theme replay after end. 'Don't track position' must be set to 0 in order for looping to work.
    ; ---------------------
    ; Please, note, that final parameters are fully ignored if theme with the same name is being played currently.
    ; You may need to pause current theme before starting another one to force playing from start or without loops.
    Example: !!MP:P^cstletown^/0/1; start playing looped Castle theme

    !!MP:P0/[0 - pause, 1 - resume]; Pauses or resumes current theme
    !!MP:P0/0; Silence, please, important event will occur now

    !!MP:S[theme name]/[Don't track position = 0/1]/[Loop = 0/1]; Get/change parameters for !?MP trigger.
    !!MP:S?z2/d/0; Make all themes non-looped

    !!MP:S^mainmenu^/0/1; Play SoD main menu theme during the whole gameplay process

    !!MP:R[get/set: Enable default reaction = 0/1]; Command allows to disable theme changing at all
    ; Can be used to disallow music changing for some time
    !!MP:R0; Don't switch current theme at all

[+] Added 4 new battle events as solution to !?BR and v997 mess with full backward compatibility:
    Event: 'OnBeforeBattlefieldVisible'.
    Occurs when battlefield and stacks are ready, but not visible. Right before !?BR&v997=-1.
    WoG applies spells to stacks in this phase and inits shoot/melee/attack-n-return settings.

    Event: 'OnAfterTacticsPhase'.
    Occurs right after tactics phase or after 'OnBeforeBattlefieldVisible' event if no tactics phase takes place.
    WoG summons Santa's guardians in this phase (because now stacks are in their final positions).

    Event: 'OnBattlefieldVisible'.
    Occurs when battlefield becomes visible. Game changes theme to combat right after this phase.
    Event: 'OnCombatRound'. A drop-in replacement for !?BR aka 'OnBattleRound'. Occurs only for visible real rounds.
    v997 is round number. For tactics phase it starts from -1000000000. For normal phase, counting starts from 0.
    Each round v997 is increased by one, thus it can serve as always increasing unique round ID.
    Note: v997 value in other triggers may be different!

    !?FU(OnCombatRound)&v997=0; on first non-tactics visible real round
    ; apply spells, play music, change creature attributes, etc.

[-] Fixed bug: pressing Enter/Esc in ERM error dialog showed error dialog twice.

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08.08.2019 21:54
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #3429

Завезли новые команды. Изменим имена и описания копейщиков:

Замечу, что все команды изменения текстов Эры позволяют также получать актуальные тексты в z-переменные для последующего вывода.

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18.08.2019 01:56
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #3430

Version 2.8.8
[+] Added command for changing monster names/specialty text as !!UN:G1 zvar-free replacement.
    SN:H^monname^/monster ID/(0 - singular, 1 - plural, 2 - description)/text.
    Note: get syntax works with all SN:H commands, allowing to obtain actual hint/text.

    !!SN:H^monname^/0/0/^Bug^; rename pikeman to Bug
    !!SN:H^monname^/0/1/^Bugs^; pikemen to Bugs
    !!SN:H^monname^/0/2/^Screws the game process^; change pikeman special abilities description
    !!SN:H^monname^/13/2/?z2; get archangel special abilities text
    !!IF:M^Don't hire bugs. Better higher archangel. Pros: %Z2^; display archangel advertisement

[+] Added plugin event 'OnAfterStructRelocations', occured after 'OnAfterWoG'. All game/WoG/Era structure relocations
    must be performed before it with calling corresponding RedirectMemoryBlock (OldAddr: pointer; BlockSize: integer; NewAddr: pointer)
    function. At 'OnAfterStructRelocations' event final addresses of game structures must be obtained via GetRealAddr.
    UN:C command always uses GetRealAddr and is thus safe to use default WoG/SoD addresses.

    Era uses GetRealAddr to get hero specialties, secondary skills, monster names and descriptions from now and
    will support more relocated structures in the future.

[-] Fixed MR:N bug: if dead stacks were present in position of alive stack, dead stack number could be returned.
[-] Fixed Era bug with invalid address of secondary skills descriptions table, leading to wrong SN:H behavior. Credits: gamemaster.

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18.08.2019 03:03
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wessonsm Offline

Posts: 814
Post: #3431

(08.08.2019 21:54)Berserker Wrote:  С этой версии многопоток включён по умолчанию.

[+] MP trigger and receivers were fully remade. Old documentation is not applicable now. New implementation is fully
    thread-safe. From now heroes3.ini setting "UseOnlyOneCpuCore" is 0 by default, allowing running HD mod in CPU-heavy modes.

Я так долго об этом мечтал) 145
19.08.2019 20:26
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #3432

wessonsm, осталось попробовать и сказать, насколько реже стали вылеты ))

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19.08.2019 23:02
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ElfbI Offline

Posts: 325
Post: #3433

Berserker, опция переименования монстров на лету! Наконец я Ящик Пандоры допилю!

Родина вас не забудет (но и не вспомнит 103 )

The dreams you kill will break your heart
20.08.2019 01:16
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igrik Offline

Posts: 2819
Post: #3434

Berserker, кампании в ЭРАх выше 2.8.4 подхватывают набор опций, включенных в меню ВОГ опций, хотя этого делать не должны.
Например в них доступен фукционал командиров. С обучающей игрой так же.

game bug fixes extended.dll || My Plugins || My GitHub
21.08.2019 15:50
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #3435

igrik, спасибо, постараюсь исправить.

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21.08.2019 19:36
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