Posts: 16730
07.01.2018 19:58 |
Posts: 348
(07.01.2018 19:58)Berserker Wrote: Heromant, у тебя нет папки Mods\WoG\Data\Scripts? Судя по всему, моды не заменились. Я бы ещё раз запустил инсталлятор.
Да я уже много раз запускал. Папка есть, иначе бы он без HD mod не запустился.
Стоп, запустил ещё раз инсталятор Эры и всё содержимое папки WoG пропало в модс.
(This post was last modified: 07.01.2018 20:35 by Heromant.)
07.01.2018 20:31 |
Posts: 348
Да нет, всё на месте, папка Scripts, файл _core_.sys.lua а ошибка всё равно возникает. Ладно откачусь до 2.6.6, lua скрипты всё равно пока писать не собираюсь.
А вообще, подозреваю, какая-то новая зависимость появилось, типа той с vc++ от ещё какой-то сторонней системной библиотеки.
(This post was last modified: 07.01.2018 20:49 by Heromant.)
07.01.2018 20:46 |
Posts: 2196
erm help:
Note: This command works only in ERA, with plug-in Battery.dll, by Master of Puppets
Is this plugin removed from Era package?
(This post was last modified: 07.01.2018 21:29 by Valery.)
07.01.2018 21:28 |
Posts: 348
Berserker, хорошая новость. После копирования папки Scripts из "Heroes III ERA\Mods\WoG\Data" в "Heroes III ERA\Data" стало запускаться и с HD модом.
07.01.2018 21:45 |
Posts: 16730
07.01.2018 22:26 |
Posts: 2196
Maybe it should be in, if mentioned in erm help, what if MoP site or link goes dead then he is no longer around... is there any technical reason maybe?
07.01.2018 22:28 |
Posts: 16730
07.01.2018 23:07 |
Posts: 2196
07.01.2018 23:19 |
Posts: 2196
I have a question:
here is a bug I often get with trainer, when era 2.71 (look in right bottom corner after trainer is activated, I get a second layer flashing then the game crashes):
When I did it, I remember I asked help to Jim Vogan for a script which updates in real time the map, so he came with this:
Removing this part cleared the bug, no longer occurs. Should I remove it permanently, did something changes etc?
@Edit: now I remember why I needed such code, when modifying level/stats in trainer, they didn't update visually when back in the map, until I click on something. Usual codes for update visuals didn't work. Maybe someone has some clean solution?
(This post was last modified: 08.01.2018 00:30 by Valery.)
08.01.2018 00:13 |
Posts: 16730
08.01.2018 00:43 |
Posts: 2196
Yes, but not working until I CLICK on something (then it updates), so I needed something special, then Jim came with TL and UN:C
(This post was last modified: 08.01.2018 01:03 by Valery.)
08.01.2018 01:02 |
Posts: 16730
08.01.2018 01:56 |
Posts: 2196
For example I give hero x levels then I close dialog. Before dialog closes, I get the vanilla level up box, until the end, then dialog closes and stats are unchanged on map. When I click anywhere, stats now update.
(This post was last modified: 08.01.2018 02:06 by Valery.)
08.01.2018 02:02 |
Posts: 16730
08.01.2018 04:09 |