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(13.10.2014 22:22)Valery Wrote: [ -> ]Tested the save with all your mods, gave 1 level/click to Straker, all ok. Some skills descriptions are messed when scroll down, but this happens in many mods.

Thanks a lot. So it is just description? It is strange that i choose sorcery skill from advanced hero skill window about 5 times, and sorcery like other all skills has 3 levels, not 5. Why can i choose sorcery 5 time and not stop at 3? The level of skill is the same i meen advanced sorcery no matter how many times i choose it.

Yes it is Straker. And look at savegame after some more turns.

DIALOG for english version, fonts to Verd10b.fnt now.
(13.10.2014 22:32)Khadras Wrote: [ -> ]Yes it is Straker. And look at savegame after some more turns.

Khadras, for god's sake, do you think I am Nostradamus or such? Please specify what's the problem, I open your save, all ok.

What should I look for?
Thanks, Valery. I understand. I'll add a mod "medfont.fnt" and "smallfont.fnt"
Khadras, I also did not find a bug
The problem is i can not upgrade at expert sorcery no matter how many times i choose it when level up the hero.
Problem in a different mod
I could upgrade to expert. However a few mods are missing from your list (I don't have them):

Undead Ghosts
Training Facility
Smuggler's Hideout (JM)
Another flags

Could you disable those then see if now it works?

I have an error on level up 39-40, but is due to hero specialization boost (39.erm). It triggers even if level up mod is disabled.

(13.10.2014 22:59)Valery Wrote: [ -> ]I could upgrade to expert. However a few mods are missing from your list (I don't have them):

Undead Ghosts
Training Facility
Smuggler's Hideout (JM)
Another flags

Could you disable those then see if now it works?

I have an error on level up 39-40, but is due to hero specialization boost (39.erm). It triggers even if level up mod is disabled.

I found the problem. It was from enhanced commander artifacts script. There is a Ring of Sorcery artefact that gives one level to sorcery skill of the hero and that artefact interferes with NewLevelupScre​en script.
I don't think so. I had same ring when testing and all ok.

On other side, that green check-mark and the whole graphical pattern are not very fortunate. We can hardly see which skills the hero has, which are basic and advanced. The system should be player friendly, now you spend much time in level up screen to see what's going. Icons should be different for each advance.
I removed the ring artefact from hero and all became normal. The secondary skill images are from NIM Rampart mod that i put them in New Interface Mod for easy management of mod list.
(14.10.2014 13:49)Valery Wrote: [ -> ]On other side, that green check-mark and the whole graphical pattern are not very fortunate. We can hardly see which skills the hero has, which are basic and advanced. The system should be player friendly, now you spend much time in level up screen to see what's going. Icons should be different for each advance.
What do you mean they should be different? They are different, they depend on what skill level you would get if you chose that skill. Just like in vanilla levelup screen.

(14.10.2014 15:16)Khadras Wrote: [ -> ]I removed the ring artefact from hero and all became normal.
It could have been another mod conflicting with this ring and the conflict was affecting levelups.
Yes except that in vanilla you have two skills to choose from, here all 27 are popping in your face.

What I suggest is greyed icons for skills not known, then some additional graphic indicating the skill is basic, advanced or expert. Like a HP bar.

Is only a suggestion. Rolleyes
Better apply greyed icons to skills already maximised, as you can't select them anyway.
Yeah, or that. Something allowing fast and intuitive knowledge about what levels of skills.

Image: abnPNJ.jpg

Not saying should look like this, only to show what my idea is.
И походу я всё-таки не осилю получение описание втор.навыка через ПКМ. Нужен наглядный пример.
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