remade it . Now I hope it looks better but a new problem raised. (I will polish the buildings later with some effects.)
I made a careful check in which towns I can place buildings which connect best. Rampart won. The problem is that those 3 standard creatures pics are still there, even if I set their growth to zero and made them castle creatures. If any has the idea how to remove them other than cleaning the def I will appreciate. Or I could find a way to use those numbers as energy levels or something else.
New DHD console remade from scratch, now the dialog box does not hide it (maybe WoG 3.59 could give us a dialog box where we can choose a custom pic of any size if possible, would be great, here I used 4 pics and we can see the weird lines between):
(This post was last modified: 06.11.2009 01:43 by Valery.)