I tried different settings with def tool but I am unable to change that background.
I have four boxes:
Transparent (it shows teal)
Faint shadow (uncheked)
Deep shadow (idem)
Flag color (unchecked)
I tried to manipulate the first one by clicking on the background then selecting another color but nothing happens. So I returned in Photoshop and changed the whole background with the tool which replace a whole color.
But now I have a problem with contained shadows.
In the updated def maker now the msg/msk are working good, but other errors came: when first clicking on "reposition" there is an error message although we can reclick again and it works. But one thing was lost, it is the creatures hint with names of animation frames, sounds (empty now+crash). I can always use an older version to get this feature (it works) but just wanted let you know, in case you want it to be perfect.
(This post was last modified: 25.08.2009 07:56 by Valery.)