1) Did I set up the pass ability well? The grids are not identical between def tool and text.exe.
2) Is type 63 ok?
3)Do I have to check something in object place or leave it uncheked?
4) What to put in "current position"?
5)Object count?
6) Where to tell the program where in the editor the object will be located?
7)To introduce it I have only to add the names of def/msk/msg in H3sprites.txt, copy the text line in ZEOBJTS.txt, add ZEOBJTS.txt into the .wog file? What to add in action.txt, as it is it who will contain the ZEOBJST.txt, no?
Sorry for many questions, but as you can guess, I introduced the object in the game without errors but it does not show in editor.