(02.07.2009 06:23)Berserker Wrote: I think using !?HL is a bad idea.
So if the Hero starts with negative experience he will never gain a level. How do I trigger experience points for the 4 creatures then? Checking Hero's experience before and after? I was imagining: "at each 1000 exp points, one creature pick experience point is added". If the player gains<1000 then they are stored. If the player gains >1000 the value is divided by 1000, rounded and gives the points to allocate. Can this be combined with the negative value or you had something else in mind?
Yes, 4 creatures/heroes choosed from 7 class. As for commanders I need them mainly because I need units with both melee and shooting animations, and I know it is hard to be done to new units. The potion idea is very interesting but raises a lot of questions: I will need to save all creatures abilities before each battle and reset them at the end, regardless of what potion was used. Would be necessary to fix a duration for the bonuses in-battle or not? Or just give the bonus for the whole thing.
You mean something like:
!!IF&v997>0:M^Choose a potion^;
So every turn it occurs if potions are stored in some variable? Then it will occur at the starting turn, but not when a specific creature moves, as druid or sorcerers. Not a bad deal. Would not be a bit annoying to have the message every turn? Maybe triggering it by clicking elsewhere, like on quick combat?
Checking before the battle ends the health of the creatures and keep it, combined with the potions used, combined to the experience bonuses allocated by the player will be a nightmare.
That's a lot of scripting, but it is a nice idea. Of course I will install 3.59, was waiting for Yunnings to make it functionally. He finds the bugs, you correct them, I install. Yeah, I am cheap, I know...
The new objects patch will be used without doubt. The original Heroes objects do not look very similar to those from MM6, and the patch has some interesting graphics for any atmosphere.
I had also the idea to "populate" the cities by setting wandering monsters to indefinitely walk between 2 points. Is there a way to disable attacking them and generate a custom message when visiting?