Posts: 118
Round printing was done through h3_TextBuffer, I'll change it to something else to remove interference.
At this time the plugin only has Eng/Rus and swaps between if you have Rus mod or not.
I've not worked with CN text yet while modding h3; how is it handled by the game - unicode? utf8?
Update comes after BattleAction is complete and is contingent on battle not being finished (which is why you will see stacks that are still alive at end of combat). It was the easiest solution to figure out when to stop updating.
I've never used BattleHeroes; there is a separate state considered during Tactics, maybe this is what happens here. I'll have to look at it sometimes.
Autotranslate failed to capture the exact essence of your words(
The "cursor" as in mouse cursor is being delayed?
This happens with hover on creature or panel?
I have a winXP virtual machine with limited ram/gpu, I'll have a look through that to see if anything shows up.
I'm sorry there are some things in that code snippet that don't work so I'm not sure how this works? Example in Pascal would be fine or another mod using said setup.
16.06.2020 17:08 |