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Creating .def, help
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GrayFace Offline
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Posts: 1233
Post: #31

1) Move the yellow and red squares to the right. The image is located on the lower right corner of area shown in text.exe.
2) yep, but subtype should differ from existing objects.
3) Towns - that's where new wog objects are.
4) nothing
5) nothing
6) Open the real ZEOBJTS.txt and choose the objects after which you want to have yours. After setting all fields press Ctrl+C or Edit -> Add File After Cursor Position
However, I suggest you to add it to the end and use ModHomm
7) It won't work this way, because it would be impossible to install multiple objects - ZEOBJTS.txt of first installed object would be overwritten by the second. You can use ModHomm to make an .obj file. It can then be installed with SimpleLod.
8) choose all Types of Terrain

BTW, what's the strange shadow mess on your picture? You shouldn't use "Apply and Save" on Shadows tab.

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24.08.2009 18:12
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #32

I would like to avoid modhomm because I plan to add more than one objects and if they are good, include them in the whole patch. If modhomm is used, then any player will need it, and it is quite difficult to install and use for novices. The update via WoG is the best in my opinion.

The real ZEOBJTS is in data, and the patch does not change the one in bitmaplod. When I added my object via update, it replaced the one in data.
I will delete it and try to import directly in lod.

I also asked for a QP for Grayface in HC. I know this does not means big deal for you, but it will alow you to post more and gain flood protection. And it is big way well earned, as without your tools, nothing would be possible.
(This post was last modified: 24.08.2009 23:48 by Valery.)
24.08.2009 23:48
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #33

ok, the hardest part was done:

Image: image1g.jpg

I tried different settings with def tool but I am unable to change that background.

I have four boxes:

Transparent (it shows teal)
Faint shadow (uncheked)
Deep shadow (idem)
Flag color (unchecked)

I tried to manipulate the first one by clicking on the background then selecting another color but nothing happens. So I returned in Photoshop and changed the whole background with the tool which replace a whole color.
But now I have a problem with contained shadows.
Image: image1dzz.jpg

In the updated def maker now the msg/msk are working good, but other errors came: when first clicking on "reposition" there is an error message although we can reclick again and it works. But one thing was lost, it is the creatures hint with names of animation frames, sounds (empty now+crash). I can always use an older version to get this feature (it works) but just wanted let you know, in case you want it to be perfect.
(This post was last modified: 25.08.2009 07:56 by Valery.)
25.08.2009 03:51
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GrayFace Offline
Forum Moderators

Posts: 1233
Post: #34

(24.08.2009 23:48)Valery Wrote:  I would like to avoid modhomm because I plan to add more than one objects and if they are good, include them in the whole patch. If modhomm is used, then any player will need it, and it is quite difficult to install and use for novices. The update via WoG is the best in my opinion.
No, modhomm doesn't create msg files when importing objects. They'll need SimpleLod to import the objects. But the best would be to add objects into New Objects patch of Black Phantom.

(24.08.2009 23:48)Valery Wrote:  I also asked for a QP for Grayface in HC. I know this does not means big deal for you, but it will alow you to post more and gain flood protection. And it is big way well earned, as without your tools, nothing would be possible.
Thanks, but I'm a rear visitor in HC for now. What does the abbreviation stand for and what else does it give?

(25.08.2009 03:51)Valery Wrote:  I tried to manipulate the first one by clicking on the background then selecting another color but nothing happens. So I returned in Photoshop and changed the whole background with the tool which replace a whole color.
When you click on Transparent it should show "Chosen automatically" hint and turn into white (if background of the picture is white). Then the background of generated def would be transparent.

(25.08.2009 03:51)Valery Wrote:  But now I have a problem with contained shadows.
Image: image1dzz.jpg
Here's the easiest thing to do:
Delete the shadow, remove all white pixels. On Shadow tab choose "Generate".

(25.08.2009 03:51)Valery Wrote:  In the updated def maker now the msg/msk are working good, but other errors came: when first clicking on "reposition" there is an error message although we can reclick again and it works. But one thing was lost, it is the creatures hint with names of animation frames, sounds (empty now+crash). I can always use an older version to get this feature (it works) but just wanted let you know, in case you want it to be perfect.
What I've uploaded is just an .exe. It needs all files from previous DefTool distributive.

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25.08.2009 10:28
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #35

I keep clicking on "transparent" but I could never change any background.
The little box change to the color I choose but never the frame.

Here are my steps (for a white background):
1) Open def maker, choose adventure object and import frame.
2) Leave "special colors" uncheked, click on the colored box "transparent", choose teal or any color, and now when I click again, it shows "choose automatic" and becomes white. If I don't choose a color it will not let me choose automatically. After it was choosen, do I have to click somewhere?
3) Generate shadow (maybe this has to be done before 2?)

I uploaded the bmp., maybe you can try it some day and tell me if something wrong. (has black ground)

WoG object
(This post was last modified: 25.08.2009 11:32 by Valery.)
25.08.2009 11:06
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GrayFace Offline
Forum Moderators

Posts: 1233
Post: #36

Check the "Transparent" check box and generate def.

(25.08.2009 11:06)Valery Wrote:  The little box change to the color I choose but never the frame.
That's how it should be.

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25.08.2009 12:04
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #37

Transparent box is already checked when starting def maker. I had never to check it again.
I think I lack basic knowledge about palettes. Either the object is going into the editor with original background (not transparent) either the shadow is pink in editor.
Maybe the steps must be different too, I tried all the possibilities without good result. So far, I have no idea what color to select when clicking the first time on transparency box to enable "automatically choose".
25.08.2009 19:47
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GrayFace Offline
Forum Moderators

Posts: 1233
Post: #38

(25.08.2009 19:47)Valery Wrote:  Either the object is going into the editor with original background (not transparent) either the shadow is pink in editor.
The background will be transparent after making a def. The shadow should be pink in the Def Tool.

(25.08.2009 19:47)Valery Wrote:  So far, I have no idea what color to select when clicking the first time on transparency box to enable "automatically choose".
Don't select any, it's already chosen automatically - you can see it by different frame of its color box.

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25.08.2009 20:01
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #39


The problem was the conversion of the initial png. with the photoshop script. The upcoming bmp. were corrupted and no one was able to generate a def properly. I extracted them again and manually converted each one to bmp. Of course now, it works...thanks.

Image: image1g.jpg
26.08.2009 03:37
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #40

Here are the new Caesar objects I will import. Before doing so, tell if if there is any interest for them:
I will re-color the flags with all factions, they are animated. The others are not animated.
Image: image1s.jpg

But it will mostly allow scenarios based on roman empire, not much else.
26.08.2009 21:06
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GhostManSD Offline

Posts: 1054
Post: #41

I think these are very good. Where are they from? Did you made it yourself? I seems I've already seen a part of them in Heroes V (3DO Heroes, which were not published).

Κακῆς ἀπ' ἀρχῆς γίγνεται τέλος κακόν.
26.08.2009 21:36
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #42

I have many problems when installing. Some objects, while having the same palette/resolution as others do not want to get in. Error counter 12. I get in a wall, then when I create a mirror image of it, it gives error in install.

Edit: on same object 224x192 works. 224x160 create error. Any ideas why?

I would really love to know the mechanics of the tool.

Any chances that we can get inside an object when Update.exe refused it?

How come that 101.png is accepted and 102.png is giving error. its just the same wall, but different oriented...On 80 objects it accepted maybe 15. Disappointing.

Moreover, I extracted bmp from existing defs and recompiled them without changing anything. Got again errors when install.
(This post was last modified: 28.08.2009 09:11 by Valery.)
28.08.2009 00:07
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Vlaad Offline

Posts: 1
Post: #43

Hi all,

I have to admit I've been lurking for a while here - I can understand some threads due to the fact that my mother tongue is Serbian, but not enough to take part in the discussions. What I did figure out is you guys are probably the right people to ask: thanks to Valery's help, I've made some new blank objects myself but cannot create a new blank artifact. Frankly I have no idea how to properly set the properties of an artifact, namely the type and subtype. Everything is OK in the editor and on the adventure map, but doesn't work in game when a hero tries to equip one. The type and subtype of an existing artifact (naturally) produce the artifact in question, so even if a hero finds my new blank one, it will become an existing one in the hero screen. When I try to set a new type and subtype (e.g. #171), the game crashes, of course. What am I missing?

Here are some samples (I'm aware those need to be resized):

Image: 331omiv.jpg

Image: 2s781lk.jpg

Actually I got a bunch of unorthodox ideas and graphics from games such as Age of Wonders and Disciples for some really interesting arties, like the Lizard on the Stick or the Eye in the Bottle, that would work great with combat scripts.

(This post was last modified: 14.09.2009 09:53 by Vlaad.)
14.09.2009 09:49
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solitaire345 Offline

Posts: 24
Post: #44

I also had such idea some time ago, and i stopped at the same problem: after giving artifact a new subtype, the game crashes. so i came to a conclusion (just a guess - if anyone can tell if i'm right, or wrong, please do so) that the number of artifacts is stored in the main exe file, so since i don't know anything on how to search for needed value, i abandoned this idea.
14.09.2009 22:14
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #45

I am sure Hippocamus knows how to do it, as I read his mod thread where he scripted a lot of artefacts.

Now, we can "steal" something explained here and export in other forums/script it but first need a bit of help/direction to follow. So, if any of the gods dare to come here down and give us a hint, it will be greatly appreciated.
17.09.2009 16:51
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