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I am done with all the work. I tested it on a clean WoG and there are no problems. I also fixed the 8th level monsters names.

Contains (13MB):

Phantom patch
Chinese-style objects (EmperorRotMK)
Roman-style objects (Caesar III)
Age of Empires objects (AOK)
Stronghold objects
FCst1 last objects
GrayFace 3.3 patch (removed old ZEOBJTS)

Image: 111ot.gif
Image: 222rm.gif
Image: 333c.gif
A nice fast car for you Gigi

UPDATED 29 09 09

Feedback appreciated.
...Car! 148148148
Valery, can try to release a high-grade patch with my objects? To name it is necessary New objects for the map editor 1.9, instead of WoG 1.9. Spiteful
Sure FCst1. I was rather busy with all those objects, give me a few days (I am broken right now) and I will add yours and rename it. I have your new objects and they will work inside without problems.
downloaded and installed it, but i stumbled upon a strange problem: map editor says that some msg files for objects (that i had from previous new objects patch - ZWT.msg for example) are missing, though the def file is still there. did i do something wrong?
You have to install it on a clean wog. I don't know why but it has errors if installed over other modifications. This patch installs all objects from Phantom previous patch + mines. Try a clean folder. Zwt def is inside.
ugh.. i think i'll try to import these files by myself. i don't like the idea of reinstalling all over.
Just make a different clean folder, you don't need to delete the previous. The phantom patch was modified with the right codes for warcraft walls (they did not show before) so I don't think you can just overwrite it.
you got me wrong: i will extract the *.msg files from old patch install file and import them with h3sprite.exe
Valery, if release a high-grade patch it is necessary to write the documentation also. (New_obj_patch_1_9_objects_autors.xls and New_obj_patch_1_9_ReadMe.txt) When all objects will be ready, I can enter them in the list authors and correct ReadMe, and also I will try to release ReadMe in English. Yes
I was going to do it. Can you send me both read me you want to be inside? Then I will include your new objects and release.

I just took a few days rest, but anyway I have to correct the passabilities for new trees.
It is good, when I write ReadMe1.9 - I will send it to you. And one more new object 118.
PS. Your objects will be called val000-235?
Yes val000-235, I don't feel like renaming them all. Also there is a problem: the patch can be installed ONLY on a clean wog, otherwise it will report files missing, even if they are inside. I have no idea why. If you can find why, would be great.
No, to I managed install this patch on PhoenixIII.5 (or TE), thus many other things also have been established patches. And all works!
Yes, the installs ALWAYS works, but have you scrolled the editor ? It says missing files, even if they are inside.
Strange... I even with new objects have drawn a map. Any messages on missing files was not...
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