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You remember your previous patch giving install errors to english users? Well, I fixed the errors coming from a sign def and modified the patch, and thats why it can't install on the previous 1.8. If I install 1.8 and then this, it shows missing files. if I install on clean WoG, everything OK. If you can install it on 1.8 then you are luckySm
Damn man, this is really fantastic work. Congratulations. RESPEKT!
Oops! I forgot, that I make 1.9 txt file. Sorry
Russian - http://slil.ru/28006828
Valery, the maps, with use of new objects you do not wish to place in a new patch?
FCst1, I have no such maps. The example I gave was only a map I did not save. I know that chinese started to make maps from the patch, so they will be available sooner or later. I can do such map, but it will be mostly unplayable, as the objects must be customized via scripts, thats what they are for.
About patch 1.9, I will insert in it your read me and your objects, just give me a few days.
Help in English (the complete version) - http://slil.ru/28009885
^^Oops! It's README file. Sm
Ok I got it. However, should I add inside that the patch can be installed only on clean version? Also I think 1.08 batch will not delete the new objects.

I am not sure why it gives errors when installed on 1.8. Files are inside, but the game ignore them. And it would be too long to check for each one of the 2000+ files.
I can make Deinsalation patch, but, I am afraid, it will occupy too much time.
Well, this patch is mostly needed by mapmakers, so I assume they have a clean wog in another folder, as I have. Not big deal to reinstall it and get the whole patch, as it has all objects from 1.8 too. Too much work to hunt for errors. When I screw something, I paste the clean folder and I install the patch again, it takes 1 minute.
And I am a lucky who can install this patch atop 1.8. 96-copy
I will need some more time. I found very nice trees animations in Stronghold and I want them in the patch. I will add also some Darkloke objects from H2, as the redwood observatory and few others. So many things to do, so few free time...
Image: 222ej.gif

I have one question: how to animate a static pic?
Image: 222ou.png

I tried to select and rotate the middle for about 12 different pics, but it does not look very good. First I rotated the whole model but the gate is not perfectly round and could not find a better model on the web.
Image: 111ql.gif
I think, that it too looks not bad Sm

Valery, it is possible still a question? From what games you exported objects (val000-235)?
And still the custom-made ground - a stone blocks v3. Sm
Very good the blocks Sm
Objects 000-235 are from Tsar, Emperor, Aok and a few others I don't remember. I browsed about 10-15 games for hunt.
Now I am trying to import the city Atlantis from Stargate Atlantis. It will be a compilation of 9 256x192 objects and for mod use only.
Have a hard time to make the screens paste one in other in a whole city (I have to move everyone till it works). It will be very big. If I succeed at it, I start a map on it.
Image: atlantisbase.png
I finished importing a few objects from Stronghold and now I am going to finish the patch, adding FCst1 and Darkloke objects.
The trees from Stronghold are all animated and look great ( the best trees I ever found):
Image: 111ivl.gifImage: 111i.gif
Image: screenshot001d.png
And I have made the list of authors (using objects from WoG 1.9 and mine)

And as all new objects, their quantity and authors will be called Sm
This last addition? Sm
If yes, I can make final variants README files. Sm
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