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I know, I just wanted to change all battlegrounds for ever (the ones you sent are better), got bored with previous. I reinstalled...
(11.07.2009 21:02)Valery Wrote: [ -> ]In MM6 you can't avoid the fights, because the monsters follow and track you
No, you can. You can lure them from what they 'protect' and you can always run away. Random encounter is a bad idea IMO. Just place monsters on the map, that's how it's done in MM6.
My idea was to use the "passable" terrain (63) modified, so it would not be possible to block paths. In MM6 you can move anywhere, if you have fly and jump. If WoG version block the player on trees/bushes and mountains, then it will be possible to block the path with blue bubble monsters, but it will no more be similar to MM6, but different.

For example the dragons are very tough to fight. How many I put them in a bubble? 1? 20? In MM6 you can attack 20 and then lure one outside and kill him, then return for others. How to translate this in Homm?

In my random encounter idea, you had to fight one dragon at once, for a total of 20-30 maximum events in a specified area. The event is triggered by the hero movement, checking his position. At each battle in the area a counter is growing to a max of 20-30. Once the 30 fights were done, the area is free to visit from all sides.

Before I start to draw the map I need to be fixed on the "passable terrain" thing. This feature was NEVER used in WoG, as the script is considered stupid and useless by most players. This is not my case, maybe I can find an usage for it? Opinions?
Two different attempts to create the minimap:

Similar to MM6, but reduced size:
Image: mm1e.jpg

Fantasy layout, nothing to do with the original, but huger:
Image: mm2p.jpg

On the first one, players may find the way easy, as the original locations will be as in MM6. On the second one, every location would be placed from scratch. The dragons sand will be kinda in the middle. Any preferences from MM fans?
(16.07.2009 17:34)Valery Wrote: [ -> ]Any preferences from MM fans?
I like the original one. 20
Darkloke, you being the graphic boss, do you know any map generator or Paintshop feature which can improve the first bmp? Like giving more relief, more colors?

I tried a lot of things but only could achieve a better contrast. The original colors are very old and weird. I tried also different filters but nothing works on this low resolution...
Quote:Darkloke, you being the graphic boss,
No, i am not. Ab There are people in wog team, who know graphics much better than me.

All i can suggest is to try different filters in Photoshop. Since i dont know what exact results u wish to archive, i can only give an advice to play with filter settings and see what u get.
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