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This is an amazing game. I am almost done (one year passed) and I am delighted with it.

So far, my beliefs:

1) The dungeons are a very important part of the game. I think it would be necessary to allocate an empty area for creating all dungeons, and with several levels. Once a level is completed, the dungeon resets to the next level. Once the dungeon is completed, the new dungeon is created in the same area. This is not hard to do, but very long to script.

This is how they look in WoG editor:
Image: image2gic.png

2) The usage of the potions is also very important. So far, we can't visualize the potions from ERM scripts. Is there any possibility to create new artefacts?

3) The map is too big, so it will not be possible to re create MM6 world. I will create a new one, using the surface for traveling, and the underground for towns/dungeons creation, unless someone has another idea.

4) Creating a mod based on MM6 seems to me very problematic, as the AI will be helpless. How will we teach him to play with 1-4 units and use all the tricks to keep them alive?

5)Anyone has an idea about how would be possible to script specific actions according to which unit move in battle?

6) I am still not decided about the idea of creating a real time story. Like giving unlimited movement on the first day and let the player complete the game in one day. This will eliminate all the time triggers, which are often a good addition. And will make very heavy the !?HM part. Still it would be possible to simulate the 12 months related to the player experience level, treasury or completed actions. Example: visiting the might shrine will trigger second month and so on. But then it will allow big flaws/cheats. Need thinking.

7) Many interesting features, as enchanting, leveling, flying, etc. Will be great to have them all.

8) A good thing will be to convert the HP of defeated monsters into gold and add it to the treasury at the end of the battle. I know it is possible for a specific battle at x location, but for all battles?

9) If some patch could allow the creation of a bigger map than all can change. But the patch I already tested had bugs, as not being able to view the larger parts in the minimap.

10) Some dungeons are too big or too complex to script them in the given area. The solution would be to import small dungeons from MM8 and MM9. Does anyone have a save from those games completed so it can borrow pictures from the dungeons?

11) I have one question: if I place a monster in x/y/l location, how do I check for it being alive before deleting it. Let's assume the player completes one dungeon but skip one monster. The monster has to be deleted when the dungeon is erased, but ERM gives errors if one tries to delete a non existent monster. So I need to check monster or object by type/subtype or there is something else to be done?
Quote:5)Anyone has an idea about how would be possible to script specific actions according to which unit move in battle?
!!BG:N?y1; y1 - number of stack
!!BMy1:T?y2; y2 - type of monsters

Quote:11) I have one question: if I place a monster in x/y/l location, how do I check for it being alive before deleting it. Let's assume the player completes one dungeon but skip one monster. The monster has to be deleted when the dungeon is erased, but ERM gives errors if one tries to delete a non existent monster. So I need to check monster or object by type/subtype or there is something else to be done?
!!UN&y1<>[no object = 0]:O[x]/[y]/[z]/[delete hint = 1];
Guys, I traded to Abdul tens of times pyramids for weapons. And just on last trade he gives me this:

Image: image1q.jpg

It is just godly: vampiric (steal HP) and increase weapon speed recovery. I spent hours to enchant swords and never got such effect.

Now need to think about enchantments for WoG version36
Quote:8) A good thing will be to convert the HP of defeated monsters into gold and add it to the treasury at the end of the battle. I know it is possible for a specific battle at x location, but for all battles?
Do you remember a Brute Commander - his ability is to convert the bodies of the defeated enemies into the gold. So, you can use something like that, why not?
The commanders are hard coded and I can't study that script... But there is a solution: check at start of the battle neutrals health (exit if none in slot) then give at the end the corresponding gold value according with HP. I am only an average scripter so my ideas suit my skills. There should be better solutions, but at least this one I can do it.
Quote:2) The usage of the potions is also very important. So far, we can't visualize the potions from ERM scripts. Is there any possibility to create new artefacts?
This can be emulated with scrolls.
Vial of mercury can do it. It should be recolored to 4 versions, replace some usefulness artafacts, then give it each time we get a potion. For me it seems to be a good solution, as we can check for number of potions at the start of the battle, looking for artefacts. But there are also other ways. The bad side is that it will take a lot of space, and the backpack has a limited storage. Otherwise the number of potions can be stored in a variable, and checked with right clicking, as for mithril, but will be less interesting visual.
Quote:6) I am still not decided about the idea of creating a real time story. Like giving unlimited movement on the first day and let the player complete the game in one day. This will eliminate all the time triggers, which are often a good addition. And will make very heavy the !?HM part. Still it would be possible to simulate the 12 months related to the player experience level, treasury or completed actions. Example: visiting the might shrine will trigger second month and so on. But then it will allow big flaws/cheats. Need thinking.
May be you can script in-game day in real time? Like a time-limited turn in Heroes?
I don't understand what you mean. The problem are the monsters encounters. I can script according to player position to provoke specific fights with various creatures. In MM6 you can't avoid the fights, because the monsters follow and track you, while in Heroes the player can save at each step, then reload if encounter (based on random value). So it will allow cheaters to avoid fights and visit important locations, as circus/shrines/treasures.

Editor is limited to 200 events so I can not place them anywhere. It is better to trigger fights based on location checking and a random number. But it can be avoided, and easy...

Real time means I have to complete the game on the first day. So I can't use the TM, which are deadly good in WoG, as re spawning creatures, treasures and such. On the other side, real time will be more suitable, as the player does not feel the difference with the original game.
Quote:In MM6 you can't avoid the fights, because the monsters follow and track you.
You want to create an exact copy of MM6 gameplay in Heroes? Why do you need this? I think, it would be impossible. Use a Heroes rules to create worthy opponents.

Quote:I don't understand what you mean.
15 minutes of real time = 1 in-game day, for example. And turns ended automatically. But heroes' party movement have no limits.
I would like to create a close version to the original game, yes. Whatever I can to do this, I will do it. Now, it seems some things can be done, so I will find a way around.

15 minutes of real time=1 day in game? How you do that? I am helpless here. There is no internal clock ERM command in single player.
(06.07.2009 17:45)Berserker Wrote: [ -> ]!?BG0;
!!BG:N?y1; y1 - number of stack
!!BMy1:T?y2; y2 - type of monsters

Sorry Berserker for not giving feedback for your help. I try to finish the game to get an idea of how is working and what can be done with WoG. Right now, for example, I invested a lot of points in learning, water and body magics, and I find my self helpless at level 25, as I could not kill anyone, having low skills in bow/weapons. So I did not yet started to think at scripts. Meanwhile, your second example is easy, but this one will require from me a few questions. As soon as I finish the game, I will ask.
Quote:There is no internal clock ERM command in single player.
Well, it's only my idea, but may be EXE editing can solve this problem, if ERM can't help? "Heroes" has built-in timer fucnction, used by player's choice, may be a way to make this work forced?
I have no idea how to work on that. Besides this, using a time limit would add a stress and prohibit soft play, don't you think? It would be nice to have it, but I would be more stressed to have a time counter than just to see my movement ending.

I have one question of topic: I changed in bitmap.lod the CMBKLAVA.pcx (battle gound on lava terrain) using the usual processing, wog update and such. I used one of the bmp Berserker gave me months ago, after making it pcx. Now, the game crashes every time I go on lava combat. I saved H3bitmap.lod before doing this, so seeing that I screwed it, I put back the original. Still, the game crashes. How can be possible?
I don't have any ideas Bad
btw, changing battleground pictures is available via ERM !!BA:B^file.pcx^;
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