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Ok I got it, but how it works?

I selected "start video", then capture full screen, started heroes, played a bit, then there is some bad quality sound but the video is black, empty.
My HD mod is at 800x600, does this matter?
Valery, what about Bandicam, tried it?
The program has quite flexible setting of the quality of the recorded video. I have a video output of 300 mb for 10 minutes at 1920x1080 and 60 fps MP4 format. If you cut it to 30 fps and slightly reduce the video quality to 60%, then ~150-200mb will be released for 10 minutes.
With a reduced fps, the quality did not change much by eye, it was possible to lower the recording threshold even more to reduce the size.

In general, if you look for the optimal settings, you can pick something up. You can first try the shareware version, it has a 10-minute recording limit and will have a watermark, but you can make an opinion about the program.
(31.10.2020 01:06)Valery Wrote: [ -> ]Ok I got it, but how it works?

I selected "start video", then capture full screen, started heroes, played a bit, then there is some bad quality sound but the video is black, empty.
My HD mod is at 800x600, does this matter?

I'm not home at the moment, however I can check my settings when I do get back. All the videos I've made for h3 (walkthroughs, announcements) were recorded with OBS, I think they come out rather well; it's just a question of setting the source and video settings I guess.
Hi guys, not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I'm looking for some help with removing a line from a text file with Windows cmd.

For example, I'd like to have

WoG Scripts
Era Scripts

to become

Era Scripts

Currently, I've found that findstr does the job, but it doesn't seem to be great, becoz
1. findstr cannot modify the original file. Instead, it has to output the modification to another file
2. findstr leaves an empty line at the end of the file.

Any thoughts, suggestions? Rolleyes

Edit: I ended up with findstr. Output the result, delete the original and rename the output. There seems to be no other way.
Maybe Berserker should consider adding a new command for installmods.exe to remove a line from list.txt? 102
@echo off
set src_file=c:\test\1.txt
set dst_file=c:\test\2.txt
set del_str=WoG Scripts

echo ; > %dst_file%
for /f "delims=," %%i in (%src_file%) do (
    if not "%%i"=="%del_str%" echo %%i >> %dst_file%
Then delete the original and rename the output, if you need.
In this case (new empty dst_file) you may not use "echo ; > %dst_file%"
Last empty line doesn't matter. "Echo" in windows has no "no line feed" parameter like "echo -n" in linux.
Archer30, what's the purpose of such update? Uninstalling mods is not trivial task and is usually performed manually.
Thanks, Algor! Although I prefer findstr, looks more straight forward. 96-copy
findstr /v /c:"WoG Scripts" list.txt > listUPD.txt

Berserker, as you see, most updates of mods require players to delete the old mod, it's a frequent request. It could make the lives easier for mod makers if things are done automatically. We all know that most players don't read.

Edit: Removing a line from list.txt is only useful when a mod updates its folder name, not so frequently happening. But a command for removing certain directory (outdated mod) is desired.
Why don't place your own "list.txt" file?
Obviously, as a mod maker, you only want to remove an old name from list.txt, instead of rewriting the whole text for your player.
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