Version 3.1.1 (10/2020)
[+] Included updated "game bug fixes extended" plugin with many crash/overflow/bug fixes. Game stability increased. Credits: Ben, igrik, RoseKavalier and others.
Old "game bug fixes" plugin by RoseKavalier was removed.
[+] Added "no prisons on random" and "one slot combo" patches by igrik.
The first one disables prison generation on random maps. The second one makes combo artifacts to occupy one slot without possibility of further disassembling.
[+] Santa Gremlins now become a regular unit with normal weekly growth (16 per week), without gifts and with the following Ice Bold spell power:
(Number of santas - 1) / 2 + Random(0, 1) if number of santas is even.
Table of santa gremlin quantity and final damage:
1 - 10
2 - 10 or 30
3 - 30
4 - 30 or 50
5 - 50
6 - 50 or 70
[+] Replaced Heroes 3 pseudo random number generator with high quality Mersenne Twister generator.
Native generator is still used for battle obstacles generation and in multiplayer battles, excluding Hot Seat.
[+] Added new functions to "Era Erm Framework" mod:
; Resizes destination array to match source array size and copies all source items into destination array.
; Both arrays must have the same items type.
!#VA(srcArray:x); ID of array to copy items from (source).
!#VA(dstArray:x); ID of array to copy items to (destination).
; Creates trigger local copy of array.
!#VA(srcArray:x); ID of array to clone.
!#VA(result:x); ID of result trigger local array.
; Fast and reversable int32 hashing. Link:
!#VA(value:x) (result:x);
!#VA(value:x) (result:x);
[+] Updated the following functions of "Era Erm Framework" mod:
; Converts monster quantity to stringish value range like "50-99" or "2K+" of maximum 7 characters length.
; Returns result in s^result^
!#VA(withDescription:x); ?boolean. If true, the result will be native H3 text like "A pack (10-19) of". Default: false.
; Deconstructs bit mask into list of bit/flag positions (each with 0..31 value).
; For example, P137/(list) will fill the list with [0, 3, 7] values, because
; 2 ^ 0 + 2 ^ 3 + 2 ^ 7 = 1 + 8 + 128 = 137. It means, that bits 0, 3 and 7 are set.
!#VA(mask:x); Bit mask.
!#VA(result:x); Will contain new trigger local array ID with bit/flag positions.
[*] Removed type checking from SN:M(array)/(itemIndex)/(value), allowing to use integer addresses to set string item values.
[-] Fixed crash in "quest log" plugin by igrik.