Вышло обновления для HoMM 3 ERA
Текущая версия: 3.1.0
Что нового ?
Обновлён плагин WoG-диалогов от igrik: добавлена поддержка диалога отображения текста с произвольной BMP/JPG картинкой (IF:B/P диалогов). Реализовано окно просмотра журнала боя по клавише "H" или ЛКМ на нижней панели в бою. Улучшена совместимость с плагинами от majaczek.
Обновлён плагин диалога просмотра заданий от igrik для совместимости с улучшенным движком игровых диалогов.
Реализована поддержка сложных диалогов с выбором до 8 картинок (здания, ресурсы, мана, монстры и т.д), возможностью предустановки выбранного элемента, управления выравниванием текста и типом диалога (сообщение, вопрос, всплывающая подсказка, выбор). Авторы: igrik, Berserker.
Существенно расширена библиотека ERM в виде поставляемого с Эрой мода: добавлено множество констант-идентификаторов (коды клавши, типы данных, опции WoG, игровые пределы, действия в бою, уровни магии, слоты артефактов и многое другое). Добавлено несколько удобных событий, таких как «после инициализации скриптов» и «нажатие клавиши в определённом игровом экране», а также более десятка вспомогательных функций.
Улучшен движок ЕРМ 2: использование констант в размерах локальных массивов, псевдонимы констант, приведение типов (целое - вещественное), возврат временных массивов из функций, передача локальных строк в функции, укороченные синтаксисы команд, удобный поиск объектов на карте и др.
Около десятка исправлений и изменений, включая защиту от переполнения опыта существ, корректный возврат клеток входа для объектов без сокрытия стоящих на них героев, возможность выбрать тип атаки монстра при игре в режиме Хот-Сит и др.
Скачать: https://mods.hmm35.ru/Era%203.X.exe
Version 3.1.0 (10/2020)
[+] Updated "wog native dialogs" plugin. Added support for IF:B/P dialogs and extended IF:Q/IF:N dialogs.
Implemented advanced battle log dialog. To open it press "H" or click LMB on log bar in battle.
Improved compatibility with majaczek's plugins. Credits: igrik.
[+] Updated "quest dialog" plugin. Provided compatibility with improved Heroes 3 dialogs. Credits: igrik.
[+] Implemented support for IF:Q with message type 7 (MSG_TYPE_CHOOSE_PIC) and 3-picture selection. The result is 1, 2, 3 or 0 for cancel.
Prefer to use IF:N instead for better dialog control.
[+] Implemented extended complex dialogs support in ERM. Credits: igrik, Berserker.
Display dialog with up to selectable 8 pictures.
msgType is one of MSG_TYPE_XXX constants (message, question, popup, picture selection with optional cancel button).
textAlignment is bit mask of TEXT_ALIGN_XXX flags. Both vertical and horisontal alignment are supported. -1 means "use default".
preselectedPicId is preselected picture index: 0-7 or -1 for none
result will contain -1 in most cases, (TRUE) or (FALSE) for questions, 0-7 (picture index) for picture selection and -1 for cancelled selection.
!!IF:N(MSG_TYPE_CHOOSE_PIC_OR_CANCEL)/^Take anything you need, bro!^/?(chosenItem:y)/(TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT);
[+] IF:N and IF:Q dialogs with pictures now support special picture type flag: (PIC_TYPE_FLAG_DISPLAY_ZEROS).
If it's set, zero quantities (resources, monsters, experience, etc) will be displayed like "0 Archangels" instead of "Archangels" or empty caption.
!!IF:Q2/(picType)/(picSubtype)/(MSG_TYPE_QUESTION)/^Wanna nothing?^;
[+] Updated "Era Erm Framework" mod constants: data types, wog flags and options, town constants, game limits,
magic levels, battle actions, hero artifact slots, dialog IDs, picture types, text alignment and many others.
[+] Added file "9999 era - key codes.erm" to "Era Erm Framework" with 150+ key codes constants.
[+] Added "OnAfterErmInited" event to "Era Erm Framework", occuring right in the end of !?PI / "OnAfterErmInstructions" event.
The event allows to perform actions after most scripts initialized their variables and performed basic map/memory configuration.
[+] Added new events to "Era Erm Framework": "OnKeyPressed_AdvMap", "OnKeyPressed_Battle", "OnKeyPressed_HeroScreen",
"OnKeyPressed_HeroMeetingScreen", "OnKeyPressed_Town", occuring right after "OnKeyPressed" events and taking two arguments:
x1 - key code
x2 - prevent default reaction (0 - no, 1 - yes).
!#VA(key:x) (preventDefault:x);
!!IF:M^Pressed F1 in battle!^;
[+] SN:F now supports 'user32.dll' functions.
[+] Added new functions to "Era Erm Framework".
; Leaves only unique sorted integer items in the array.
; Calling on [15, 4, 3, 3, 1, 20, 15] list will rearrange and truncate list to the following:
; [1, 3, 4, 15, 20]
!#VA(list:x); Array ID
; Checks, if array has at least specified minimal size and increasing the size if not, filling new items
; with optional default value.
!#VA(list:x); Array ID.
!#VA(minSize:x); Minimal desired array size.
!#VA(fillValue:x); Optional. Fill value for new items. Default: ^^ or 0.
; Accepts up to 15 bit/flag positions (0..31). Returns mask with corresponding bit flags set.
; Actually, given Xi arguments, returns Sum(2 ^ xi).
; For example, P0/3/7/?(mask:y) will give 2 ^ 0 + 2 ^ 3 + 2 ^ 7 = 1 + 8 + 128 = 137.
!#VA(args:x); ... Up to 15 bit/flag positions.
!#VA(result:x); The last argument will contain the result mask.
; Deconstructs bit mask into list of bit/flag positions (each with 0..31 value).
; For example, P137/(list) will fill the list with [0, 3, 7] values, because
; 2 ^ 0 + 2 ^ 3 + 2 ^ 7 = 1 + 8 + 128 = 137. It means, that bits 0, 3 and 7 are set.
!#VA(mask:x); Bit mask.
!#VA(list:x); Array ID to fill with bit/flag positions.
; Converts monster quantity to human readable value range like "50-99" or "2K+".
; Returns result in s^result^
; Disables ERM error messages and resets error option.
; Enables ERM error messages and returns last error flag (TRUE or FALSE).
; Converts given string to upper case. Result is returned in s^result^.
; Converts given string to lower case. Result is returned in s^result^.
; Reads null terminated string at specified address into s^result^ variable.
; Null address (0) results in empty string.
[+] Added Era exported function ShowErmError (Error: pchar); stdcall;
The function shows regular ERM error dialog and can be used for ERM scripts error reporting and debugging.
!!SN:F^ShowErmError^/^Invalid "baseFaction" argument: %(baseFaction)^;
[+] Added possibility to extend lifetime of trigger-local SN:M array to parent scope. It's now possible to return
trigger-local arrays to caller function without necessity to free that array afterwards. Thus automatical memory
management is preserved.
; Deep level function returns trigger-local array of 3 strings to another function, which in its case returns the same array
; to "OnAfterErmInstructions" trigger. The array will be freed after "OnAfterErmInstructions" execution block ends.
!!FU(Array_Join):P(arr)/^ ^;
!!IF:M^%s(result)^; Display "one two three"
; here the (arr) array is already deleted
[+] Added support for local z-strings as function parameters. They will be converted to temporary read-only z-variable indexes.
!!VR(str:z):S^haVe A nIce day!^;
!!FU(StrToUpper):P(str); here z-1 will be converted into something like "10000002" which is z10000002 index
!!IF:M^%s(result)^; Display "HAVE A NICE DAY!"
[+] Added possibility to define ERM 2 constant aliases.
Now (PIC_TYPE_RES_FIRST) will have the same value as (PIC_TYPE_RES_WOOD) constant.
[+] Added possiblity to use constants in local array declarations. Previously array size could be number only.
Now it's possible to specify constant name instead of number without parenthesis.
!#VA(dwellingMonTypes[MAX_DWELLING_ALT_CREATURES]:y); Define array of 4 items to hold dwelling monster types
[+] Added support for e-variables in VR:C. !!VR(floats[3]:e):C0/0/0;
Do not forget, that no integer-float conversion is performed in VR:C, all values are copied as is. The only safe constant
for e-variables is 0.
[+] Improved TR:T to allow any number of arguments.
[+] Improved UN:U command. It does not raise error if no more objects are found, but sets x-coordinate to -1 instead. Thus no premature
objects counting is required. A new syntax with 6 parameters was added to allow using arbitrary integer variables instead of v-variables.
!!UN:U(objectType)/(objectSubtype)/(direction like -1/-2 or object index)/(x)/(y)/(z).
; Let's traverse through all map monsters, doubling their quantity
!#VA(x:y) (y:y) (z:y); define variables to store object coordinates
!!VR(x):S-1; setting x-coordinate to -1 will force to start search from scratch
!!re i; endless loop
!!UN:U(OBJ_MONSTER)/(ANY_OBJ)/-1/(x)/(y)/(z); find next monster, (x) = -1 on failure
!!br&(x)<0:; exit loop if nothing found
!!MO(x)/(y)/(z):Gd*2; double monsters quantity
[+] Heroes 3 "DisplayComplexDialog" function (4F7D20) was improved. The last argument "closeTimeoutMsec" was overloaded to "Opts".
Opts is:
16 bits for closeTimeoutMsec,
4 bits for msgType (1 - ok, 2 - question, 4 - popup, etc), // 0 is treated as 1.
4 bits for text alignment bit mask (0..15),
8 bits for internal H3 usage, usually 0
Thus it's became possible to display dialogs with up to 8 images and of any type (message, question, popup, picture selection).
[+] Added exported function FindNextObject (ObjType, ObjSubtype: integer; var x, y, z: integer; Direction: integer): integer; stdcall;
It works the same as UN:U with fast search syntax, but does not raise error on no more objects, returns success flag and allows
to use non-v variables to store coordinates. You won't need to count objects before searching for them anymore.
Direction is -1 for FORWARD and -2 for BACKWARD.
; Let's traverse through all map monsters, doubling their quantity
!#VA(x:y) (y:y) (z:y); define variables to store object coordinates
!!VR(x):S-1; setting x-coordinate to -1 will force to start search from scratch
!!re i; endless loop
!!SN:F^FindNextObject^/(OBJ_MONSTER)/(ANY_OBJ)/?(x)/?(y)/?(z)/-1; find next monster, v1 is (TRUE) on success
!!br&v1=(FALSE):; exit loop if nothing found
!!MO(x)/(y)/(z):Gd*2; double monsters quantity
[*] Local named e-variables are allocated from index 2 to preserve e1 for functions result.
[*] x16 can now be allocated as local named variable. Previosly the following code would lead to error:
[*] SN:G is DEPRECATED and may be removed in future versions.
[-] Fixed SN:O. No more boat/hero hiding.
[-] Fixed HE receiver to support any ERM variable like !!HEi^heroId^.
[-] Fixed VR:C indexes checking, allowing to override protected memory by commands like VRy-99:C1/2/3;
[-] Fixed ERM 2 compiler part, responsible for local z-arrays indexes allocation.
Previosly !#VA(names[3]:z) used to allocate array of [z-3, z-4, z-5] (decreasing indexes).
Now the appropriate array will be [z-5, z-4, z-3] (increasing indexes). Thus it's possible to use
safely index arithmetics like:
!!VR(names[2]):S^Have a nice day!^;
!!VRi:S2; i is array item logical index
!!VR(itemPtr:y):S(@array) +i; itemPtr holds real z-index of array item
!!IF:M^%z(itemPtr)^; display i-th item value
[-] Fixed UN:C. It didn't accept negative size argument, while -1, -2 and -4 are valid sizes.
Prefer to use (UNC_XXX) constants to specify valid data type.
[-] Fixed creature experience overflow after battle. Credits: igrik.
[-] Fixed check for multiplayer in attack type selection dialog, causing wrong
"This feature does not work in Human vs Human network baced battle" message.
[!] Note, that SN:O does not work with global named variables.
[!] Note, that v1 must not be used to store anything non-temporal, because from Era 2.X it's changed in every SN:E/SN:F call.
It's a dirty variable for fast result return. Use v2/v3/v4 instead.
Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
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