Version 3.0.1 (06/2020)
[+] Added first ERA ERM tests. Tests library in "Tests/1000 era - testlib.erm" and tests, covering found
bugs and part of new functionality in "Tests/era - tests.erm".
[+] Added new 3 magic constants. All are safe to use inside strings and as parameters:
(FILE) expands into current script file name.
(LINE) expands to current line number in script file.
(CODE) expands to excerpt of escaped current line source code.
These constants are specially useful for debugging, bug reporting and automated tests. See
"Tests/era - tests.erm" for examples.
[+] Added new constants: TRUE, FALSE, SN_M_* (for SN:M parameters).
[+] Added new escape sequences for string literals (^...^):
'%\:' expands into ';' (usually forbidden character for literals, marking receiver end).
'%\"' expands into '^' (usually forbidden character for literals, marking end of literal).
'%%' expands into '%' (used to prevent possible variable interpolation, %%y5 => %y5, not y5 value).
[+] !!FU/DO receivers can now be really called without arguments.
For all WoG 3.58 ERM receivers except SN/MP calling subcommand without parameters actually passes single
parameter with 0 value.
!!CM:R; is the same as !!CM:R0;
This is not suitable for functions, which could rely on arguments counting to implement default parameter values
and optional parameters.
From now !!FU:P; passes no parameters and !!FU:P6; passes single parameter.
[!] Old-style ERM macros ($...$) are deprecated, though improved and fully working.
Note, that macro names are not cleared until game process is restarted, so prefer not to use them at all.
[*] !!SN:U was renamed to !!SN:V (Vector).
[+] !!SN:M was greatly improved. Negative indexes allow to access elements from the end of array.
-1 - the last element
-2 - the one before last, etc.
It became easy to access list tail like !!SN:M(arrayId)/-1/^New value^;
SN:M arrays resizing was improved so, that from now they can be used as lists without performance penalty.
Memory is allocated by blocks, growing exponentially, so most of the time no allocation is really performed,
just remembering new number of items.
; Create new list with 3 items, stored in saved games. Put its ID in i^heroNames^ global variable.
; Set all items values at once
; Wait, forgot about 'Salamandre', add him too
!!SN:Mi^heroNames^/d1; increased list size by 1
!!SN:Mi^heroNames^/-1/^Salamandre^; and written new item to the end
[+] Updated ERM Editor, based on Sublime Text.
[!] !!FU:C is deprecated and not supported anymore. It may be reused in future.
[*] ErmLegacySupport is set to 0 by default in heroes3.ini. It was introduced for old scripts, relying on
negative y-vars automatical zeroing.
[+] All function x-parameters, which were not passed, are now initialised with zeroes. This behavior is suitable for
optional arguments. Just don't pass odd arguments in !!FU:P/!!DO:P/etc, and they will have 0 value.
[+] Added new syntax to !!FU:A command. Set default values for parameters.
#1 - default value for the first parameter (x1)
#2 - default value for the second parameter...
The command changes values only if the are not specified during function call.
; Find object with given type and subtype
; Declare two optional parameters
!#VA / (objType:x) (objSubtype:x);
; Provide default -1 value for both parameters
Another example with string parameters.
'Ptr' means 'pointer', index of z-variable.
!#VA / (messagePtr);
!!FU:A?(numArgs:y); get number of passed arguments
!!VR(message:z):S^OK^; set up default message text
!!VR(message)&(numArgs)>=(@messagePtr):Sz(messagePtr); override message text with provided value, if it's passed
!!IF:M^%(message)^; display message
The last line works, because @messagePtr for the first argument (x1) will return 1.
This is handy way to check if particular parameter was passed.
[+] It's proposed to decorate functions declarations in the following variants:
; Bried function description like:
; Hides rectangular area on the map.
!#VA(x1:x) (y1:x) (x2:x) (y2:x) (level:x); fast declare all parameters without description
; Alternative declaration with arguments explained:
!#VA(x1:x); top-left x-coordinate
!#VA(y1:x); top-left y-coordinate
!#VA(x2:x); bottom-right x-coordinate
!#VA(y2:x); bottom-right y-coordinate
Remember, that everything in !#VA before closing ';' and except of (variableName) is simply deleted
from compiled code.
For functions with optional arguments it's proposed to separate optional arguments from required ones by '/'.
; Adds monsters stack to hero army. Default quantity is 1.
!#VA(hero:x) (monType:x) / (monNum:x);
!!FU:A0/0/1; specify default argument values
Alternatively argument optionality may be specified in its description.
!#VA(hero:x); hero ID
!#VA(monType:x); monster type
!#VA(monNum:x); optional. Default: 1
[-] Added missing 1000 era - const.erm and 1000 era - stdlib.erm files to WoG mod.
[-] Fixed bug: z-variables with invalid negative indexes were considered mutable. Credits: gamemaster.
[-] Unknown macro names $...$ are now reported as errors, same as it was in ERA 2.x.
[-] Fixed bug: ERM must stop evaluating cached receiver parameters after first error.