Thanks Qwertyus, now CPRSMALL show the icon, but the palette is still screwed in TWCRPORT (CPrL097S.pcx). And the other files are exactly what I used to update the Sptraits, but never succeed. Any of you already tried to change the Sptraits with success? I have latest Phantom patch (graphics)
Edit (a bit later): The Sptraits worked now. I used before the same files as you sent me, but never worked. It must be your hands magic. :)
Unfortunately any text edit in SPTRAITS (with erm_s) crashes the editor and game will not start.
I have another question (forgive me for being annoying):
I try to display a dialog box using a 100x100 pixels image centered. Well, I can with !!IF:D and E or P to display a short white text top on the stored pic, but I fail always to have a longer text. If text is too long, it won't show.
(This post was last modified: 29.05.2009 01:04 by Valery.)