I once more want to point out that there are problems using the !!EA battle receiver (or at least the way I do it, maybe I'am doing something wrong?)
Below you can find a test script.
The problem here is you set extra abilities with EA receiver than you start a fight. Retreat from that battle and now if you start a new battle the creatures will have wrong stats. Most likely they will carry the HP from the last battle you fought. Tested with clean ERA 2.77 assembly.
Best to witness if you first fight a pack of Gnolls -> Retreat and then fight some lvl 7 creature with 6 HP
!?BA0&1000; Test script that gives all enemy creatures 4 random abilities in battle
!!VRy1:S4; Set to four for test purpose
!!FU&y1=0:E; [Exit if Option was not Selected]
[:loop400]; loop is label name inside current trigger
!!DO25504/21/41/1:Py10; [Run Loop through all creatures on Battlefield]
!!VRy1:-1; increase counter
!!SN&y1>0:G[loop400]; jump to loop label if not echoed y1 times
**Extra Abilities Table
!?FU25504; [Function for giving extra abilities]
!!if&y1<=144:; [Execlude War Machines and Commanders and some other OP stuff]
!!VRy2:Sx16; use stack ID (read below*), I set y2 to current stack number
!!VRy2:+1*-1; now I add +1 then change to negative value, we have now number of stack for EA
!!EAy2:F0/?y3; [Check for next available bonus line: y3]