Second parameter is for current hero. (-1)
My problem is simple, I think is misunderstanding:
You open dialog (DL) and change hero stats in this dialog. Then you close dialog and back on adventure map, stats are not updated. They will update as soon as you open hero screen, or town screen, or cast spell.
Any UN:R commands, in any place, will change nothing. I put them before dialog, in dialog, after dialog, no effect.
All this about 800x600 size dialog. If the area to update is visible when dialog is up, it works. I tested by resizing the dialog, same erm codes, if less than 800x600, ok. So, in order to have proper redraws, one must design a DL template with the size of adventure map screen max.
Of course, I wouldn't bitch about if it didn't took me 2 weeks to design 800x600 template and can't resize, every pixel is used.

I am cursed.