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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #2356

Sounds good in off state.
30.07.2023 03:51
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Archer30 Offline

Posts: 1190
Post: #2357

I do encounter many times I'd hope _Quit triggers can be skipped by SN:Q. Actually, to be skipped by SN:Q is the main reason I'd use a _Quit trigger. It ensures the event to be relatively later then other events and is almost certain to be skipped when SN:Q is presented. But the current strategy, executing _Quit if a SN:Q is presented, is apparently against this usage. Could there be a change?

Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 31.07.2023 19:49 by Archer30.)
31.07.2023 18:57
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #2358

_Quit triggers exist for the the only purpose: to be unescapable by SN:Q. They allow symmetric actions: write value on trigger start, restore on trigger end. Push some value in stack on trigger start, pop the value on trigger end. Ultimate trigger quitting mechanism does not allow to write a reliable library. EEF mouse/keyboard wrappers is a good example.

Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
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31.07.2023 19:17
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Archer30 Offline

Posts: 1190
Post: #2359

105 It happens, different devs have entirely other preferences.

Still being curious. Got a chance to check if SN:R for replacing a def cadre works for the latest ERA? Unsure

Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 31.07.2023 19:48 by Archer30.)
31.07.2023 19:43
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #2360

Archer30, sorry, still didn't debug. Moving data to new PC.

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03.08.2023 09:49
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #2361

Updated Era 3.9.5 compat package:
[+] Added BattleSave/BattleReplay plugis in off state
[-] Removed admin rights requirement

Should be tested on clean H3 Complete.

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03.08.2023 11:10
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #2362

It isn't in your release list. Give me a link please
03.08.2023 12:27
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #2363

Argh, didn't paste the link, sorry. Reuploading.

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03.08.2023 12:46
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #2364

Thanks, any functional changes? Because I am almost done with the test of previous 3.9.5 and I don't feel like playing a whole game again on it, it took 2 weeks.
03.08.2023 13:11
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #2365

Just + 2 plugins. The only test should be installation on windows 10. I removed admin rights requirements.

Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
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03.08.2023 13:13
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #2366

Ok thanks, the previous installation went ok too.
03.08.2023 13:27
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Archer30 Offline

Posts: 1190
Post: #2367

Can we have days in a week as constants for using with i^timerWeekDay^?
It's sometimes confusing in modding - not sure whether Monday is 0 or 1, Sunday is 0 or 7 etc. With the help of constants, modders don't have to worry about that

Edit: Looks like my the text has partially lost its idea in translation, as least for XEPOMAHT. 96-copy I have to clarify it. It's a small suggestion for ERA. I am asking for 7 constants to be added:
They can be created by myself ofcoz, but I believe not only me wanted them.

Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 09.08.2023 09:31 by Archer30.)
08.08.2023 11:14
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Posts: 2385
Post: #2368

(08.08.2023 11:14)Archer30 Wrote:  Can we have days in a week as constants for using with i^timerWeekDay^?

Воговские таймеры - зло и костыли. Не используйте их никогда. 108

(08.08.2023 11:14)Archer30 Wrote:  It's sometimes confusing in modding - not sure whether Monday is 0 or 1, Sunday is 0 or 7 etc. With the help of constants, modders don't have to worry about that

В ERA+ текущий день/неделя/месяц всегда хранятся в переменных v991/v992/v993. Значения обновляются перед срабатыванием функции 30379 внутри Тифона. Сама функция 30379 - триггер нового дня. Диапазон дней - от 1 до 7, месяцев - от 1 до 4. В обычной ЭРЕ получение дня/недели/месяца - с помощью команды UN:C.
08.08.2023 12:46
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #2369

Archer30, I agree. Maybe also add WEEKDAY_1 ... WEEKDAY_7 constants? Because numbers are much clearer.

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09.08.2023 09:54
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Archer30 Offline

Posts: 1190
Post: #2370

Berserker, anything that works for you will do. Well actually I have memorised all this info when I typed in the suggestion here Rolleyes So it probably ain't matter now.

Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
09.08.2023 10:47
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