Posts: 1190
01.04.2022 12:48 |
Posts: 16730
02.04.2022 05:48 |
Posts: 1190
02.04.2022 08:55 |
Posts: 16730
02.04.2022 10:33 |
Posts: 1190
I see, let's keep it the current way then.
I have a finding today, and I am not sure whether this is intended, so I ask here.
Is this correct that the arguments of MF1 trigger can be out of range? It happens with Fireshield, when Efreet Sultan is killed, its fire shield triggers MF1 with a big number as the attacker's ID and my BM:T was screwed up.
This doesn't make much sense, especially considering the alias "OnMonster PhysicalDamage". What do you think?
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 03.04.2022 19:30 by Archer30.)
03.04.2022 19:24 |
Posts: 16730
04.04.2022 06:11 |
Posts: 1190
Berserker, my miss lol. Sorry for that. I learned from some ancient Chinese scripts about MF1 and thought x1/x2 were officially declared as attacking stack/defending stack. So basically if I add
it would still be safe to use in this way, yes?
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 04.04.2022 07:39 by Archer30.)
04.04.2022 07:36 |
Posts: 16730
04.04.2022 08:21 |
Posts: 1190
04.04.2022 10:41 |
Posts: 1190
I propose this to be added at the end of 9999 era - stdlib.erm / auto-completion of sublime
Just returning a constant, but it is rather useful and important. This funcion here is required to convince mod makers to always get the last art ID by using it. In TUM, I have my own FU(GetMaxArtifactId) to return the correct art ID without duplicates, which is desirable to be used by others as well.
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 08.04.2022 19:33 by Archer30.)
08.04.2022 17:22 |
Posts: 16730
08.04.2022 18:32 |
Posts: 1190
Berserker, thanks for approving.
We encounter an issue with Amethyst 2 x SN:H^monname^.
According to Majaczek, SN:H does not support creatures after 196. I tried to change the description of #311 and it corrupted the portrait of Orrin.
Majaczek claims that in order to fix the problem, changes have to be made from ERA, like "expanding the table".
Is this true though?  Will it be easier to be done via era, or fix from Amethyst?
You can find the source of the plugin here:
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 09.04.2022 06:20 by Archer30.)
09.04.2022 06:12 |
Posts: 1190
Berserker, hi! I just realise that we have no multiple choices support for Radio dialogue. As I see from Era Framework, it may not be difficult to fix. It is only not sure how you would like to proceed. What do you think about it?
Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
14.04.2022 18:41 |
Posts: 1190
15.04.2022 12:15 |