Posts: 7107
26.07.2010 19:03 |
Posts: 2196
Removed the spaces, still same problem  . Thanks.
26.07.2010 19:19 |
Posts: 16731
26.07.2010 20:16 |
Posts: 2196
InstallShield Ver 2.65
Lang.: 00000409
Time: 6:23:33 PM
Freespace: 374564585472
Installpath: C:\Documents and Settings\valery\Bureau\Def_tool\CLEAN WOG\
Programs: C:\Documents and Settings\valery\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\
Desktop: C:\Documents and Settings\valery\Bureau\
Language file was found
Check Unrar.dll version; Vesion=3
Start searching for multilanguage files
main1.wog - OK. size of file: 9597423
Extract Information File - OK General label was found - OK About label was found - OK
main2.wog - OK. size of file: 5835575
Extract Information File - OK General label was found - OK About label was found - OK
main3.wog - OK. size of file: 7075256
Extract Information File - OK General label was found - OK About label was found - OK
main4.wog - OK. size of file: 5178224
Extract Information File - OK General label was found - OK About label was found - OK
main5.wog - OK. size of file: 2773071
Extract Information File - OK General label was found - OK About label was found - OK
main6_optional.wog - OK. size of file: 1038225
Extract Information File - OK General label was found - OK About label was found - OK
main7_optional.wog - OK. size of file: 818929
Extract Information File - OK General label was found - OK About label was found - OK
main8_optional.wog - OK. size of file: 266123
Extract Information File - OK General label was found - OK About label was found - OK
Video_short.wog - OK. size of file: 6845809
Extract Information File - OK General label was found - OK About label was found - OK
Extracting complete
Stop searching for multilanguage files
Choose companents for install
main1.wog is checking
main2.wog is checking
main3.wog is checking
main4.wog is checking
main5.wog is checking
main6_optional.wog is checking
main7_optional.wog is checking
main8_optional.wog is checking
Video_short.wog is checking
End of Choose components for install
Installing is main1.wog
Installing is main1.wogInstMult.txt - OK
Installing is main1.wogExtract H3bitmap.txt - OK
C:\WOG\Data\H3Bitmap.lod Size = 102682753
Critical error in file C:\WOG\InstallWoG\CAMPZ05.PCX, install aborted
Erro in action: Free pointer file
End installing with error
29.07.2010 01:08 |
Posts: 1809
(29.07.2010 01:08)Valery Wrote: ...
Programs: C:\Documents and Settings\valery\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\
Unicode symbol detected.
29.07.2010 09:06 |
Posts: 2196
é,ç,à,è are not a problem, as successfully installed with them for 4 years. It seems Berserker found the problem and fixed.
29.07.2010 15:25 |
Posts: 7107
29.07.2010 16:52 |
Posts: 16731
29.07.2010 17:20 |
Posts: 2196
I have an humble question for those who can work with 3Ds.
I am dying to have wow models with weapons. But WoW models have quite unusual bones, they are in blocks and on the model right side. I merged the weapon, unhidded all so now I am able to see both blocks of bones, the weapon and model. Now I need to link the weapon to the model, so it follows the animation.
But how to find the bone n*47, which is the right arm bone, no idea...If we link the weapon to the hand by clicking on the hand, nothing happens because the bone is not there, but on right side. So far, the weapon is attached to the model, but it is moving weird and detached from the body at some animations. Please help.
(big image, warning)
(Edit: doesn't matter, I found how)
(This post was last modified: 19.08.2010 01:44 by Valery.)
19.08.2010 00:05 |
Posts: 5
(07.07.2010 23:47)Valery Wrote: Yes, something like that but badly done (no order) so skipped.
Extracted CIV IV BS elephants:
Asian War Elephant

Middle-East War Elephant

Khmer Elephant

South-America War Elephant

Greco-roman War Elephant

Gamecreator, tell me if I can do anything more for that tool.
Hello, do you have all these elephants in Heroes animation file format? maybe with details about their attack/defence/hit points etc? (Links on mediafire is dead)
I want to make a MOD with hinduism theme (Mahabharata), so there are elephants is a must (the more - the better).
And, do you know how to convert from some 3d-modelling software into Heroes animation format as fast as possible...
I use Unity3d (game engine), there are some elephants, horses (on assets store) etc, but have no idea how to convert from their FBX file format to Heroes. I know it is possible using Maya, but never tried, neither 2d nor 3d version.
Are those civilization files compatible with Heroes? Never played Civilization, but know there are elephants and other Indian units, so want to try modding civilization as well (or taking units from Civilization to Heroes mod)
05.01.2020 21:03 |
Posts: 2196
09.01.2020 06:58 |