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Сегодня на НС выложили для скачки "как бы" Рощу. Скажу сразу - никакого отношения этот проект к тому, что делаю я, НЕ ИМЕЕТ (за исключением того, что ребятки юзнули демон хантера, коего я делал давным-давно), так что просьба не путать.


Сайт разработчиков:


отсюда или отсюда

Quote:ATTENTION! To make the modification run properly you need to install it on a unmodified version of WoG, mod DON'T work rightly with Script-Update installed!

    1. Download and extract the *.rar archive.
    2. Make sure your system language settings are set to english (country US).
    3. Run the installer "Install.exe" and follow its instructions.
Darkloke, но всё же они закончили, так что респект.
Это самые лучшие из всех "франкенштейнов", что я видел Sm Работа, всё равно, проделана очень большая, авторам также выражаю респект.
вероятно этот город просто заменяет какой то существующий?
Да, естественно. Крепость он заменяет.
ктонибудь уже поставил? на какую версию ставится? и скриншоты можно? Sm может в руском форуме тоже тему сделать?
They took an opportunity and exploited it very well. I saw the russians demolishing the new grove on DF2 forums, but I am skeptic at that. One could say it is not perfect, but it is done while others just talk and promise things.

I would also prefer see the Darkloke version, but now it is too late.105

(Они воспользовались возможностью и использовали его очень хорошо. Я видел русских сносе новых DF2 роща на форумах, но я в то скептиком. Можно сказать, что это не идеальный, но это делается в то время как другие просто разговоры и обещания вещей.

Я также хотел бы предпочел видеть версию Darkloke, но теперь уже слишком поздно)<<hope its ok
Кто скачал, порадуйте скриншотами.

Darkloke, Спасибо за информацию.

Valery, Late never happens. That Darkloke will make a city, doubts does not cause.
fireman, в теме на HC выложили скрины:
ссылка на пост не дал, тк там я такого и не нашел 102
Quote:I would also prefer see the Darkloke version, but now it is too late.105
I dont see any reason why its too late for me. The fact they released something similar doesnt cancel the fact that i will still develop *my* Grove (by word "my" i only mean my vision of how it should look and be done, not any my exclusive rights for this project). So in case of success there will be two groves and in particular my version will be included as a new town, not a replaced one. And Valery i suggest u to read my recent post on df2 forum about some details of this release and why i didnt release it in due time when i had such opportunity.
I already wrote in DF2 that seeking for perfection is not feeding a dying game. People want new material, new adventures, and the competition with other games is rude. If nothing is released during years, there is a risk that when your perfect Grove graphics are out, there will be no one to enjoy and forums deserted.
I'm absolutely agree with Valery. Several years ago I proposed Darkloke and BigJoker to release all their works to public, but they didn't want to see their defs in any other mods while being unprepared to release their one. It was 2006. Now 2010 almost came.
My position is better not to release anything, than to release a poor quality product. Ofc u can disagreee with this, but this changes nothing. Sm
По скринам город оч. понравился)
Респект им за труд (если это был Их труд...)
Не знаю почему на него так взьелись на дф 2...

П.С. Обратите внимание, Доцента неплохо задело)))
IMO this is so wrong.

First the new Grove is not a poor product. Poorer than what? Than nothing released until now?

Second a database (archive) of essays is necessary to feed various projects. The database has not to be only filled with perfect things, it can have non finished products as well, so anyone can pick through and make his own graphics starting with the essay. A multitude of released projects feeds the database and helps future teams to make better and better projects.

Third, Heroes is not about graphics. Graphics are a detail. Once you have the graphics, you need to script new things, design a map (I laugh to those thinking that making a good map is easy), imagine new mechanics, and give a whole new vision along with new graphics. If you stick at graphics 4 years, how long will take to add others features? 4 years again?

[Don't get me wrong: I know that your graphics are much better than the polish graphics. It's just that you sorta gave up on working. 4 years delay is not for better layout, it is only an excuse for not being motivated (not taking you responsible for anything, it is your business).]

Forth, looking at comments the Grove got in DF2 forum, I realize that for you guys it is a torture to release something, with so harsh critics and experts around. People who says the new grove "puke" tend to forget how much work is involved and for free. Makes very difficult for anyone to show his projects, if they are destroyed in a few comments.

Fifth, I am eagerly waiting for your version. Not to compare, I am not that kind of person, but I know that a good quality release will motivate more and more people to try this awesome game.
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