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Full Version: Grove town released
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First replaced town
official site - http://www.grovetown.acidcave.net/indexen.htm

Image: 1.png Image: 2.png Image: A.png

Very nice things in. I am interested at highest point by the install.exe. I opened it with PE explorer but after that I was lost. Is it hard to build an exe so we avoid the WoG original updater?
Great news indeed. Downloading...
I think changing the existing installer isn't a good way. It's better to make a new one from scratch for 3.59.
I want to remove the town but i dont know how. Can you help me uninstalling it?
No way, sorry.
Sorry for bringing it up but... is this the only town which was released out of nearly hundred of projects I saw years ago?
Yes, making (good-looking) towns is harder than scripting, it requires both top graphical tools and skills. Is rare.
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