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Full Version: Tips for Balancing Economy and Army in Heroes III?
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I am playing Heroes of Might and Magic III for a while now; but I often find myself struggling to maintain a solid balance between growing my economy and building a powerful army. I usually focus on one / the other; which either leaves me with a strong military; but a weak economy; or a thriving economy but not enough forces to defend myself effectively.

Does anyone have tips ; strategies on how to achieve a better balance? I am particularly excited about how you manage both during the mid-game; when resources can start to get stretched thin.

How do you prioritize spending and expansion while still being able to defend yourself and push forward?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you
kevincalori, hi, are you talking about vanilla heroes 3 economy?
Yes, it's simple. You build houses up to level 4 and level up your diplomacy. You get to level 7 with all the economic buildings and an indestructible army. In some online sparring's, such tactics are prohibited, but...

Я понимаю, что игра от Дипломатии это чит, но мне плевать. Не запрещено правилами турнира - значит можно.
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