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Full Version: When WoG ERA has Giant Option on Map not Random Map?
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Just like HotA, i hope WoG ERA has feature H, XH and G map option on map selection (not in random map).

Please, to all talented modders, we hope you would like to join in this battle.

Thank you so much!

Evincia, ERA has H/XH/G map support by default like h3 native game. Just those one have "XL" property
Or you ve meant buttons to sort them?
Evincia, ты же русскоговорящий, зачем все эти англоязычные сообщения на форуме?
(04.12.2022 02:00)daemon_n Wrote: [ -> ]Evincia, ERA has H/XH/G map support by default like h3 native game. Just those one have "XL" property
Or you ve meant buttons to sort them?

Yes, those answer my question. Thank you.

(04.12.2022 04:27)Bes Wrote: [ -> ]
Evincia, ты же русскоговорящий, зачем все эти англоязычные сообщения на форуме?

I am sorry. I am from country which bought Russian's Сухой (aircraft). I am not speak English nor Russian. But i saw many mod came from this language.
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