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Full Version: Panda™ UN:C to BIN конвертер
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Простые наборы UN:C-команд можно преобразовать в bin-патч онлайн, воспользовавшись следующим сервисом.

От создателей нашумевшего антивируса и одноимённых сборок Эры.
Спасибо 132
Rolleyes I always do the opposite. Apparently, not many players are aware of "mod manger" or "plugin manager". They have no idea how to turn on/off a bin patch.

UN:C has the same effect with .bin in most cases, it also allows your memory hack to appear as a WoG option.
UN:C patches are not visible in x86 patches.txt, thus the source of crashes is unknown, unless you scan all scripts. bin-patch is tracked, easily located and named in a human readable way.

Algor, пожалуйста )
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