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Full Version: The Empire of The World III (Valery)
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Столкнулся с проблемой. Не выучено заклинание "Портал в город", так как нигде не смог его найти или выучить (в Гильдиях магов тоже нет).
После телепортации на остров через односторонний монолит на территорию, которая забирает ману (ссылка ниже на изображение), выбраться оттуда без этого заклинания невозможно! Подскажите, пожалуйста, где его найти.
Town portal is available very early in the game. Always use "seer huts uncovered" mod, so you can find easily huts who reward you. After defeating Torosar (the first big battle), a hut north-west from Rome (at half day march) gives you a lot of spells, including town portal. Without it, you cannot finish the game. Of course, take that hut only when you got wisdom expert.

Seer huts uncovered
Ups, I told my brother, that seer huts features are already includes in Valery's maps, seems I was wrong )))
yes, you were right, first version included seer huts list for that map. But I removed it when we released the mod "seer huts", it is much better and complete, then I don't need to change the list each time I update something in the map.
Egorbersy, Валерий играет с 15-20 интерфейсными модами из списка, можешь смело ставить тоже )
Valery, thank you very much! I forgot about this hut and did not even think about it. I broke my brain)
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