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Full Version: Bug in Scenario Deadlift+I need some advice
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Hi I came back to the Deadlift scenario lately and have a few questions + somehow the brown AI has Fly spell
I know I should be able to get all the secondary skills but somehow I can't go above ten even with this helm trick in the description
also The brown player somehow got to the stronghold which is on the lower right part of this starting area, and on moth 2 week 3 day 1 just flew over to the purple tent near my starting town.
I can post a savegame I just dont know where i can upload it.
I would also like a few tips for the map playtrough
Sorry for my bad english, its my 3rd language.
Thanks in advance
The water walk/fly bug has been fixed by RoseKavalier, a plugin HERE

you can upload a save to any of uploading sites, just google for one. I played that map 20 times and I never saw AI come at my town by month 3. Would like to see that.
Thank you for your answer
here is the save you just need to end the turn
How can I get all the secondary skills tho? I know from my previous attempt that it is possible.
ok I checked save and he can't fly -so now he is just staying there- because I already have the plugins installed, get them then put in plugins folder (or get ERA 2.61 is much better then reinstall all), reload. For learning all skills don't use the "scroll secondary skills" mod, just disable it then use the commander helm trick.

On the other issue, as AI attacking early, is just that you were too slow, such maps are competitive and need fast developing. The area Tazar is being now must be done week 2, then month 2 all barbarians should be already killed. Map has a time limit of 12 months.

my save from same day
how can you kill him so fast? I got to him in the 3 weeks later and cant kill his army.
Play fast, thats all. Never go back with main hero, use scouts to bring army to him (you have 5 heroes by month 3, I had 25, all with expert estates and luck so they produce both resources and mithril daily, you have to plan those things in advance, map is getting harder and harder).

Get navigation soon. Get all fortresses before week 3, then get town portal and go for barbs. Then barbs are easy to kill if you or them are inside the castle walls. I bet you tried in open field and that is suicide.
thank you for the tips
I just got to the level where I can use trees of knowlege to level up but somehow my hydra and behemont growth reset back to 3 per week and also all levels of my units went back to 0
Is this a bug or intended?
ok so I just found out it is because I opened the red gate infront of the water orb. Is there a Time limit I need to have in mind before I pick it up?
Yes, mapmaker put a time limit to that gate, due to obvious balance issues. Once you open it, growth stops but there are only 3-4 battles left so just finish it with the army you have. If your army experience somehow goes into negative, just use "overflow mod", it will fix it automatically. Such bug occurs when moving huge stacks around.
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