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ERM Hooker v1.0.0
Era plugin allows to easily install and remove code hooks which execute corresponding ERM handlers.
{code block address} => {erm function receiving the context}

ErmHandlerFunc receives two SN:X arguments: (Context pointer, ExecuteOverwrittenCode? = 1)
If you set ExecuteOverwrittenCode to 0, be sure to change context.RetAddr
Context structure (offsets in brackets):
: EDI (0), ESI (4), EBP (8), ESP (12), EBX (16), EDX (20), ECX (24), EAX (28)
: RetAddr (32)

Returns non-zero value on success. Fails if another hook is set at the same address.
function SetHook (Addr: pointer; ErmHandlerFunc: integer): longbool; stdcall;
Removes erm hook at specified address. Returns true if hook existed.
function UnsetHook (Addr: pointer): longbool; stdcall;
Prints list of hooks in "Debug\Era\erm hooks.txt"
procedure PrintHooks; stdcall;

All hooks are automatically removed on the following events: new game start, game loading, game leaving (Era 2.55+).

Plugin supports both Era 2.46 and Era 2.55+. For 2.55+ it handles OnGenerateDebugInfoEvent (you can generate list of hooks by pressing F11) and OnGameLeave event.

Example of usage:
Era 2.47 alpha 1 dll

Era 2.47 alpha 2

Era 2.47 alpha 3
Era 2.47 alpha 4
[+] Added function names for default ERM events without parameters and new Era triggers. Ex.: !?FU(OnBattleRegeneratePhase)
[*] UN:J3 command does not reset commanders anymore. If value ":clear:" is passed as file name, all WoG options are dropped to zero and option #101 (Map Rules) is set to 2 ("use selected below").
Era 2.47 alpha 5
[-] Fixed ERM MR:N bug. !?MR1/2 return valid stack number or -1.
Era 2.47 alpha 6
[+] Added SN:H command for setting hints, descriptions, names without z-vars. Currently only the following variants are supported:
SN:H^object^/obj_type or -1/obj_subtype or -1/hint;
[+] Fixed !!FU:P?x[n] bug. Now this syntax works ok.
Era 2.47 alpha 7
[+] Added SN:H subcommand "spec" for applying custom hero specialty names.
SN:H^spec^/hero/short name (0), full name (1) or description (2)/hint
[+] Added ability to delete hints set up by SN:H. Just add "-" prefix to the first argument.
Era 3.0.0 (альфа 0)
детали изменений см. ЗДЕСЬ

Era 3.0.1 (альфа 1)
детали изменений см. ЗДЕСЬ

Era 3.0.2 (альфа 2)
детали изменений см. ЗДЕСЬ

Era 3.0.2 bug fix (dll)
[+] ERS-files parser was rewritten. No more H3 bugs, caused by 12-character path length restriction.
    Any ers file name like "some loooooong script.ers" is supported.
[+] Added command SN:H^art^/art ID/0 (name) or 1 (description)/$text to get/set any artifact name/description
    without z-variables dependency.
Era 3.0.3
детали изменений см. ЗДЕСЬ

Era 3.0.3 hot fix (dll)
[+] Extended town income limits from -32768..32767 to -2147483648..+2147483648 and added new event OnCalculateTownIncome with three parameters: Town ID, Income (gold amount), Account resource silo? (0 or 1)
[-] Fixed bug: HE:P used to return unsigned 65535 instead of signed -1.
[-] Fixed bug: ERM compiler didn't process post-triggers.
[-] Fixed bug, causing SN:K with 3 parameters to return garbage string instead of valid character.
[-] Fixed bug, causing many Era commands to return garbage after valid string contents. Credits: PerryR.
Era 3.0.3 hot fix2 (dll)
[-] Fixed bug: IF:N$ used to cause ERM errors and crashes. Credits: helgtla.
[*] Changed ERM error report generating: not only ERM memory dump is made, but the whole debug information is saved, like
    if you press F11 manually.

[-] Fixed bug in ERM caching engine: GET-syntax could produce garbage values on cache hit.
[-] Fixed bug in ERM engine, causing crashes in !!UR:S and a few other possible commands.
skeleton transformer fix.bin
[+] Адская Гидра трансформируется в Костяного Дракона
[-] возвращена оригинальная трансформация Мумии
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