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Full Version: Scripts (2017: I know links are down last months; read my last post)
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Script107 was removed and isn't available for WoG 3.59 (Built February 14, 2006) or other versions.
Script 57, script81 should work with any version from 3.58f+. If need, just remove previous versions or rename from script57 (latest version for download) to script057, script81 into script081 for WoG 3.59 (Build February 14, 2006) or other versions.

I like games to be challenging, this is one of the reasons that I created scripts to improve difficulty in time, but to be more rewards (more movement for heroes based on their level, extra experience, gold, improvements for spells, artifacts, etc...).

Added some pictures and descriptions (use links to see):

From my script for WoG (only a very small part of code). Also, new formula for movement is based on hero's level. Improvements for artifacts using hero's level (at this moment only for ring of vitality, ring of life, vial of lifeblood). In the next versions will be much more...


This is a fight against Dracoliches (a fight in the month 5th. In the brackets are extra attack, defense and health).


Extra experience, gold after the fight with Dracoliches. Need a hero over level 40 and at least 40 attack and have improved spells based on heroe's level (optional the requirement for my script "Extra informations and improvements for spells").


Resources after the fight with Dracoliches.


1920x1080 (Extra experience and gold from bonuses)


WoG 3.58f

Last Updated: July 9, 2013

Building Requirements

Add script81.erm in Data\s. If don't want to use this script, then delete script81.erm from Data\s. For WoG 3.59 (Built February 14, 2006) rename script81.erm into script081.erm. If don't want to use this script, then delete from Data/s.

WoG 3.59 (Built February 14, 2006) or other versions

Extra informations and improvements for spells (working title)

Add script108 in Data\s. If don't want to use this script, then delete script108 from Data\s.

A message on the screen will appear and will show the exact additional experience, gold, resources.
The message on the screen will appear for the current player.
Also, the message on the screen will appear if another player has gained more that 50000 extra experience.

Bless to all living neutral creatures, and expert Precision to all neutral archers after 28 days.
Extra experience from bonuses.
Extra gold from bonuses.
Resources from bonuses. Only gem, mercury, crystal, sulfur.

For instance:
Gems can be found from creatures that belong to Castle, Tower.

Additional experience from bonuses with Learning skill.
Additional experience from bonuses increased by 1,25% per hero's level.
New formula for movement is based on hero's level.
Heroes have ballista, ammo cart and first aid tent from start.
Heroes with spell book have magic arrow from start.
Town Portal will appear in spell book at level 20.
Improvements for artifacts using hero's level (only for ring of vitality, ring of life, vial of lifeblood).

For instance:
If the hero is level 30 and has equipped ring of vitaly, then the hero's army will have an additional 13 health instead of just 1 health.

This script has a check to see if Neutral Unit Bonuses (script 57) and Neutral Stack Size (script 57 with option 232)are active or incompatibilities.
Heroes have double movement (script 01 with option 121 is turned off because of incompatibility).

If Neutral Unit Bonuses (script 57) is enabled, then will be bonuses for neutral creatures, extra experience from bonuses, extra gold from bonuses and resources, new movement formula based on hero's level and improvements for artifacts using hero's level (for now is just a testing purpose only for ring of vitality, ring of life, vial of lifeblood).
If Neutral Stack Size (script 57 with option 232) is enabled, then growth rate is changed for neutral creatures and all creatures are savage to join hero, only creatures left by hero on the map will join.
Extra experience from bonuses doesn't work for Dragon Utopia, Creature Banks, Crypt, Creature Generators.

   Level 1 creatures: 35% extra experience from bonuses
   Level 2 creatures: 35% extra experience from bonuses
   Level 3 creatures: 35% extra experience from bonuses
   Level 4 creatures: 50% extra experience from bonuses
   Level 5 creatures: 65% extra experience from bonuses
   Level 6 creatures: 80% extra experience from bonuses
   Level 7 creatures: 100% extra experience from bonuses
   Level 8 creatures: 200% extra experience from bonuses

For instance:
If the hero is level 30 then can gain 252,5% extra experience from level 8 creatures (15% with expert Learning and 37,5% because is level 30).
30 Azure Dragons with 1000 additional health from bonuses can give 91500 extra experience.

30 Azure Dragons multiplied by 1000: 30000 experience
30000 experience multiplied by 15% from expert Learning: 4500 experience
1,25% from 30000 experience multiplied by 30 (hero's level): 11250 experience
Total: 30000+4500+11250= 45750 multiplied by 2 (200% extra experience from bonuses): 91500 experience

   Neutral Unit Bonuses

   1,25% more health per day and up to 35% per month for level 1 and level 2 creatures
   1,25% more health per day and up to 35% per month for level 3 creatures
   1,78% more health per day and up to 50% per month for level 4 creatures
   2,32% more health per day and up to 65% per month for level 5 creatures
   2,85% more health per day and up to 80% per month for level 6 creatures
   3,57% more health per day and up to 100% per month for level 7 creatures
   7,14% more health per day and up to 200% per month for level 8 creatures

   Attack, Defense
   Bonuses for attack and defense have been reduced:
    3 attack and defense per month for level 1 and level 2 creatures
    3 attack and defense per month for level 3 creatures
    6 attack and defense per month for level 4 creatures
    8 attack and defense per month for level 5 creatures
   10 attack and defense per month for level 6 creatures
   12 attack and defense per month for level 7 and level 8 creatures

   Minimum Damage, Maximum Damage (disabled for now)

    Neutral Stack Size

   Growth Rate
   Level 1 creatures: 10-25 from start + 30% growth rate per week
   Level 2 creatures: 10-25 from start + 30% growth rate per week
   Level 3 creatures: 10-25 from start + 30% growth rate per week
   Level 4 creatures: 15-30 from start + 25% growth rate per week
   Level 5 creatures: 15-30 from start + 25% growth rate per week
   Level 6 creatures: 20-35 from start + 25% growth rate per week
   Level 7 creatures: 20-35 from start + 20% growth rate per week
   Level 8 creatures: 5-10 from start + 20% growth rate per week

   Mighty Gorgon: 10-15 from start + 25% growth rate per week
   Behemoth: 10-15 from start + 20% growth rate per week
   Ancient Behemoth: 10-15 from start + 20% growth rate per week
   Nightmare: 10-15 from start + 25% growth rate per week
   Werewolf: 10-15 from start + 25% growth rate per week
   Efreet: 10-15 from start + 25% growth rate per week
   Efreet Sultan: 10-15 from start + 25% growth rate per week
   Fire Elemental: 10-15 from start + 25% growth rate per week
   Energy Elemental: 10-15 from start + 25% growth rate per week
   Firebird: 10-15 from start + 20% growth rate per week
   Phoenix: 10-15 from start + 20% growth rate per week
   Lava Sharpshooter: 10-15 from start + 25% growth rate per week
   Hell Steed: 10-15 from start + 25% growth rate per week
   Santa Gremlin: 10-15 from start + 30% growth rate per week

Building Requirements

The name has been changed from Buildings to Building Requirements.
Resource Silo for Castle, Necropolis, Stronghold, Fortress produce the main resource (gem, mercury, crystal, sulfur).
Resource Silo for Castle provides 1 gem instead of 1 wood and 1 ore each day. Also, additional 500 gold and 1 mithril.
Resource Silo for Necropolis provides 1 mercury instead of 1 wood and 1 ore each day. Also, additional 500 gold and 1 mithril.
Resource Silo for Stronghold provides 1 crystal instead of 1 wood and 1 ore each day. Also, additional 500 gold and 1 mithril.
Resource Silo for Fortress provides 1 sulfur instead of 1 wood and 1 ore each day. Also, additional 500 gold and 1 mithril.
Resource Silo for Rampart provides an additional 500 gold and 1 mithril.
Resource Silo for Tower provides an additional 500 gold and 1 mithril.
Resource Silo for Inferno provides an additional 500 gold and 1 mithril.
Resource Silo for Dungeon provides an additional 500 gold and 1 mithril.
Resource Silo for Conflux provides an additional 500 gold and 1 mithril.

Only for WoG 3.59 (Built February 14, 2006), but not enabled yet.
Usually, dwelling level 7 requires all previous dwellings (level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4, level 5, level 6).

You need WoG 3.59 (Built February 14, 2006) or other versions

Extra informations and improvements for spells (working title)

Improvements for spells

Haste and Slow spells have been changed:

Haste increases the speed of the selected unit by one.
Basic Haste increases the speed of the selected unit by one.
Advanced Haste increases the speed of the selected unit by two.
Expert Haste increases the speed of all friendly units by two.
Slow reduces the speed of the selected enemy unit by 10%.
Basic Slow reduces the speed of the selected enemy unit by 10%.
Advanced Slow reduces the speed of the selected enemy unit by 20%.
Expert Slow reduces the speed of all enemy units by 20%.

Town Portal, Anti-Magic, Dispel, Magic Mirror are air spells, earth spells, fire spells, water spells.

These spells don't have improvements: Summon Boat, Scuttle Boat, Visions, View Earth, Disguise, View Air, Fly, Water Walk, Dimension Door, Quicksand, Force Field, Earthquake, Fire Shield, Anti-Magic, Dispel, Prayer, Slayer, Frenzy, Titan's Lightning Bolt, Berserk, Forgetfulness, Blind, Teleport, Remove Obstacle, Clone.

20% from power of spell multiplied by hero's level
This spell is improved: Cure.

For instance: Cure has 5 power and if hero is level 10, then Cure has 15 power.

10% from power of spell multiplied by hero's level
These spells are improved: Land Mind, Firewall, Magic Arrow, Ice bolt, Lightning Bolt, Implosion, Chain Lightning, Frost Ring, Fireball, Meteor Shower, Death Ripple, Destroy Undead, Armageddon.

For instance: Magic Arrow has 10 power and if hero is level 10, then Magic Arrow has 20 power.

2% from power of spell multiplied by hero's level
These spells are improved: Resurrection, Animate Dead, Hypnotize.

1% for every two levels of the hero
These spells are improved: Shield, Air Shield, Protection from Air, Protection from Fire, Protection from Water, Protection from Earth, Magic Mirror, Slow.

For instance: Expert Air Shield - reducing the amount of damage received from ranged attacks by 50% +1% for every two levels of the hero.

1 for every level of the hero
This spell is improved: Sacrifice.

1 for every three levels of the hero
These spells are improved: Bloodlust, Precision, Weakness, Stone Skin.

1 for every five levels of the hero
These spells are improved: Bless, Curse, Disrupting Ray.

1 for every ten levels of the hero
These spells are improved: Mirth, Sorrow, Fortune, Misfortune, Haste, Counterstrike.

10% from hero's spell power + 10% from hero's knowledge + 10% from hero's level
These spells are improved: Fire Elemental, Earth Elemental, Water Elemental, Air Elemental.
Very big work. Respect!
Added some pictures and descriptions (use links to see).
If have something to say, I will check later even I enter rarely...
Such drastic changes for haste and slow may disturb compatibility with ... all custom maps?
Balanced, but slow should be max(10%/../X%, 1). Slow should reduce the speed at least by one.
Maybe or maybe not...depends.
I'll give an example for slow: 1% for every two levels of the hero.
So, at level 30 (level of hero), can be 35% for expert slow instead of 20% that is the default in my version.
As I said, I'll reply even I enter rarely...
You can Find me on Steam: GoodEvilArchangel
Battle net: Archangel#2736

Subject Heroes 3 WoG:
Re-edit preview with some of my creations for Heroes 3 WoG.
You can pause, full screen, sound, if lose quality, wait/reload...
I haven't made update to my mods in years on internet, but for home usage I've made more updates for myself even I play rarely now H3, but I might come back...

Some thoughts:
For a few years, I adandoned completely HoMM series, but I want to return and mostly Heroes 7.
Even Heroes 7 has pro/con, this game can be modded because U3 engine and more.
If you know more programming including asm, reverse engineering, etc, you can do wonders...
You can make graphics, sounds, even town, abilities and much more as mods via editor or even seperated mods to be installed, etc...
I created something unique as fun test: I've made Cabir immune to dmg but gains hp from immune:
If lose quality, wait/reload, sometimes on twitter happens things like this.

Cya around HoMM players! Cheers!
Reference URL's